parse error - need help

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Posted: 3/26/2013
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I used artisteer 4.1 to generate some templates. I got a parse error now.

This is the error-message in the browser:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/www/web473/html/joomla1/templates/999/functions.php on line 467

And this is the text in the functions.php line 465 - 472:

function artxBalanceTags($text) {
$storage = array(); $index = 0;
$text = preg_replace_callback('/<script[^>]*>([\s\S]+?)<\/script>/', function ($match) use (&$storage, &$index) {
$key = '[[SCRIPT' . $index . ']]';
$storage[$key] = $match[0];
return $key;
}, $text);

Would be great to get some help with this.



Posted: 3/28/2013
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Remove Joomla Update from 23 march
I had this error.

Posted: 3/28/2013
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I have the same error.....


Quote Mirko:


I used artisteer 4.1 to generate some templates. I got a parse error now.

This is the error-message in the browser:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in /home/www/web473/html/joomla1/templates/999/functions.php on line 467

And this is the text in the functions.php line 465 - 472:

function artxBalanceTags($text) {
$storage = array(); $index = 0;
$text = preg_replace_callback('/<script[^>]*>([\s\S]+?)<\/script>/', function ($match) use (&$storage, &$index) {
$key = '[[SCRIPT' . $index . ']]';
$storage[$key] = $match[0];
return $key;
}, $text);

Would be great to get some help with this.



Posted: 3/30/2013
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Same problem here any Artisteer (last Version 4.1) Template brings a blank page. So i switched on error reporting and got the same Error, but in line 470 of function.php.
@Vlad concerning your hint i deleted the Joomla installion (2.5.9) and reinstalled 2.5.8, but still same error.
I even reinstalled Artisteer.

Has anybody a solution for our problem???


Posted: 3/30/2013
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it´s fixed, was the update plugin joomla from the Artisteer software, Today release a new update fixed this problem.


Posted: 3/30/2013
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I thought you ment the Joomla Update itself not the Joomla Template Update in the Artisteer Software. Sorry
Yes it really solved the problem.
I tried the templates with the error on another server with PHP 5.3 and there they were ok. only php <5.3 produces the error

Thank you very much Gato for the Info you saved my day

For all the others outside start Artisteer click on Marketplace in the upper right corner
Click on Updates and doubleclick on Joomla Template
Get sure its version 1.2 and install it.
Reexport your template and you are done.

Regards Holysatchmo