how to replace fonts

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king okkie

Posted: 3/30/2010
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i'v got a problem with using none webfonts on my site
when i make a themplate with webfonts (arial) everything it works fine.
when i make a themplate with the font i want to use (analog and concorde) it looks fine on my own computer (where the font are installeerd) but when i try it on another computer it doesnt show the font.
i guese that why they call it webfonts !?

how can i solve this problem?


Posted: 3/30/2010
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I've used the "KC Cufón Font Replacement Plugin" and it works perfect.

Read more about it here:

Good luck!

David Johnson

Posted: 3/30/2010
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Hi King okkie,

Web fonts very restrictive. What will show in one browser is different than another.

You do have some latitude if the character you want is part of the html standards. You can see how to get special html characters here:

If you don't find the character on the list, then you have to either resort to graphics or an extension like "KC Cufón Font Replacement Plugin" as Andrew has indicated above. I have never used "KC Cufón Font Replacement Plugin" so I can not comment on its capabilities or cross browser compatibility.

Posted: 3/30/2010
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Yes, it is excellent extension.
king okkie

Posted: 3/31/2010
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thanks! Cufon is the way to go i think.

now i only have to figger out how i can replace the topmenu font with cufon.


Posted: 3/31/2010
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No problem at all :)

You just add the class for your menu in the admin page of the plugin, in the field 'CSS Selectors for Font'. In my case, I added ' .nav ' in that field and the menu showed up with my special font!

Just get back if you don't succeed ;)

king okkie

Posted: 11/10/2010
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Quote Andrew:

No problem at all :)

You just add the class for your menu in the admin page of the plugin, in the field 'CSS Selectors for Font'. In my case, I added ' .nav ' in that field and the menu showed up with my special font!

Just get back if you don't succeed ;)

And i'm back.
i'v got cufon working on 1 artisteersite but i forgot how to trace the positionvalue.

in the working site i used as css position
h2, .art-menu a .t, .art-BlockHeader .t
and this works fine.

in my new site i also want to change the font in the topmenu but it doesnt work.
i also tryed .nav , h1 and h2

i rember that i used firebug to find the css position for the topmenu but can somebody tell me how?


Posted: 11/15/2010
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does'n anybody now how to get cufon working with artsteer?
jay plesset

Posted: 12/20/2010
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I've used wp-cufon in my wordpress sites before, but I can't seem to get it or "wordpress font uploader" to work on the header. Both seem to be ok elsewhere, but not in the header. Any thoughts?>

Posted: 12/20/2010
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Google fonts may also be helpful.
jay plesset

Posted: 12/22/2010
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Still no success. I can change the body, but not the heading font.


Posted: 4/21/2013
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I got Cufón working with my Artisteer 3 template.

The two fonts work fine, but I want "Candara" in stead of "Mural" in my navigation menu

I tried some things allready but I have too less knowledge of css of javascripting.

How do I make the menu in the other font (Candara)?

Here's my site:

This is the replacement code I use:

Cufon.set('fontFamily', 'Mural Script').replace('h1', { hover: true })('h3', { hover: true })('a', {hover: 'true'});

Cufon.set('fontFamily', 'Candara').replace('h2', { hover: true })('h4', { hover: true })('h5', { hover: true })('h6', { hover: true });
