Top menu

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Posted: 4/5/2009
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I've problems with top menu. It doesn't display background image. It display only rollover images of the menu. Why?

Posted: 4/9/2009
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preciso de uma ajuda gostava de colocar um gif no cabeçalho.
coloco o gif no template tudo direitinho...
mas quando coloco o template online ele nao o executa.. porquê???
preciso de ajuda o mais rapido possivel..
grande abraço
ass: micael

Posted: 4/9/2009
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Quote micael:

preciso de uma ajuda gostava de colocar um gif no cabeçalho.
coloco o gif no template tudo direitinho...
mas quando coloco o template online ele nao o executa.. porquê???
preciso de ajuda o mais rapido possivel..
grande abraço
ass: micael

Can you please write this reply in english ? I dont know that language and i want to see the solution becouse i have the same problem.
Thanks if you want to to that for me.
Was me

Posted: 4/10/2009
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ahahah What is this forum, the tower of babel? Everyone writes in his language. Wow :-D
Los in Translation

Posted: 4/10/2009
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Quote Jackcybre:

Quote micael:

preciso de uma ajuda gostava de colocar um gif no cabeçalho.
coloco o gif no template tudo direitinho...
mas quando coloco o template online ele nao o executa.. porquê???
preciso de ajuda o mais rapido possivel..
grande abraço
ass: micael
It's Portugese and here's what babelfish thinks it means:

necessary an aid it liked to place a GIF in heading. I place the GIF in template everything direitinho… but when I place template online it does not execute it. reason? necessary of the possible fastest aid. great I hug ass: micael

Clearer now? I don't think so

Can you please write this reply in english ? I dont know that language and i want to see the solution becouse i have the same problem.
Thanks if you want to to that for me.



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