Artisteer Slogan Error

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Jesse Bellavance

Posted: 9/20/2009
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I just installed version 2.2 and have noticed that when text is deleted from the slogan field it will not dissapear. The headline works fine. The slogan will work until I ask it to remove the last letter. Although it is blank in the slogan input text box the text still remains in the banner area.


Posted: 9/20/2009
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For which CMS you are designing template/theme, as in case of Wordpress you need to input your blog title and slogan text from your Wordpress admin going settings-> general

Posted: 9/21/2009
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I am talking about working within Artisteer not after I have uploaded the theme or when it is online. The last version worked properly.

Within the Artisteer program, using the Wordpress setup, the slogan cannot be deleted. The headline can be but the slogan cannot.

Dave Porter

Posted: 9/21/2009
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Hi Jesse,

Yes there is a bug. When you make the slogan field blank it stays to whatever it was before...

But forCMS's this does not matter Jesse. As Garry points out, the actual data that fills these two fields comes from your database.

So these fields are really only placeholders to show something while you are designing in Artisteer.

regards, Dave Porter

Dave Porter

Posted: 9/21/2009
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Sorry just to clarify - the field where you enter stays blank but the preview in the actual header shows the previous text.
(until it is fixed you can fudge it by placing a space in the slogan field ! )


Posted: 9/21/2009
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Quote Dave Porter:

Sorry just to clarify - the field where you enter stays blank but the preview in the actual header shows the previous text.
(until it is fixed you can fudge it by placing a space in the slogan field ! )

I exported a joomla template yesterday where the slogan wouldn't go away, and lo and behold - there is was in all its glory - over top of my header. I resolved this by making the slogan a *, and then changing the slogan color to the same color as was in that part of the header. Not ideal, but it worked in this case.

Posted: 9/23/2009
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I saw this problem with the latest version as soon as I tried to use it. The text for Headline and slogin are the first things I kick out.

I really think this should be addressed asap and repair this bug. Up to this point, I have only been creating for friends but intend to start selling my templates. This can not be an issue. And I thought about what Kerry did to put a "bandaide" on it for the time being, but we shouldn't have to do that. So please folks, it wasn't a bug before please fix it :-)
Dave Porter

Posted: 9/23/2009
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What happens when you put a space in the field ?
( Just out of interest - until it's fixed ! )

Don't forget this is a beta release.
The point of testing beta software is to find these blighter's and report them.
For production work you should use the last release being 2.2 in this case.

regards, Dave


Posted: 10/9/2009
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It's still not working.

Also, Wordpress is dragging in my blog title and description in it's place.

Posted: 10/9/2009
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Have you tried changing it from your index.php file in your Joomla template folder:

<div class="art-Logo">
<h1 id="name-text" class="art-Logo-name"><a href="<?php echo $baseUrl; ?>/">Headline</a></h1>
<div id="slogan-text" class="art-Logo-text">Slogan text</div>

Posted: 10/15/2009
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I have the same problem and Have only noticed it in the latest version

Put same issue in product support
a space Does work as a quick fix


Posted: 10/19/2009
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Just save and reload the template, worked for me.
Dave Porter

Posted: 10/19/2009
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Confirmed that this appears to be a Joomla issue !
Which appears to answer why there has been conflicts regarding this issue.


Posted: 10/20/2009
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Artisteer team is aware of this slogan issue which is in 2.3 beta and is working on the issue.
Dave Porter

Posted: 10/21/2009
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There is a new version that is a Release Candidate!
It lists this as being fixed !
version is:
Just about to install...
cheers Dave


Posted: 10/24/2009
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With Artisteer 2.3 Release Candidate ( it finally does remove the text in both the Headline and Slogan. I just installed it and checked. Thank you Artisteer.
Kate M

Posted: 11/10/2009
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Quote Garry:

For which CMS you are designing template/theme, as in case of Wordpress you need to input your blog title and slogan text from your Wordpress admin going settings-> general

Thank you so much. I've been struggling to get rid of Just Another WordPress Weblog.

Posted: 7/6/2010
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Hi. Does anyone know how to make the header and top menu stand still while the body can be scrolled? I don't know the term but perhaps "fixed header" would be a better word.

Posted: 7/6/2010
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Quote Edmund:

Hi. Does anyone know how to make the header and top menu stand still while the body can be scrolled? I don't know the term but perhaps "fixed header" would be a better word.

This is a old thread. You need to post it as a new post and in the section of the forum as the CMS you are using. It will give you a better and faster response.
John Tunmire

Posted: 10/26/2011
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Quote Dave Porter:

There is a new version that is a Release Candidate!
It lists this as being fixed !
version is:
Just about to install...
cheers Dave

Are you saying you charged me a high price for software in beta?

Posted: 10/27/2011
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This is a old thread. You need to post it as a new post and in the proper section of the forum.

You can use an old version that is not beta if you wish but why would you want to. You have free updates for a year.


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