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Posted: 7/15/2009
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What actually makes this whole thing worse and more puzzling is the fact that Yes Software has purchased Artisteer and they still have not compled the interface.

Go Figure..


Posted: 8/13/2009
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Posted: 9/3/2009
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The advertised CCS integration was a key reason I purchased Artisteer.

Attempted my first Artisteer / CCS project set up tonight. Not very nice, didn't work initially. CCS didn't recognize or upload the various artisteer images or the css files. Also the {page:pathToRoot} attribute was broken by default.

This is not a finished product as far as CCS is concerned. .

I like the idea of Artisteer generating CCS themes.
It would also be nice to have some control over where the generated Header and Footer pages are placed. I usually put all includes in a separate directory.

It would be good to have an Artisteer output mode that would just update an existing CCS project so we don't have to fiddle so much when a minor change to the templates is made.

If true, good news about Yes buying Artisteer.


Posted: 9/22/2009
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I want them integrated too

Posted: 10/29/2009
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Sign me :-)

Posted: 11/2/2009
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Could the question be the other way... CCS to include a basic Artisteer?

This would be better IMHO.

I had to wrap every CSS level which created a new div class level in a custom manager program before I could harness this beast in CCS. Every extra div level has a class based on a common div class and all this built into a page controller class. It was the only way I could get the thing tamed....

Then there was the issue of custom bolt-ons used as utility forms... more and more bits of glue to hold the thing together.

Not ideal, see YSWIM.

CCS have gone a bit quiet so I suspect that something is brewing up.


Anton Hinxman

Posted: 8/8/2011
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JCrowe, why do you mean by "You state Artisteer integrates with CodeCharge yet you provide 1 sentence on how to integrate it and it fails at that."? do you need more then 1 sentence?
have you problems with CSS? if so, contact support with your issues or suggestions.
Data Do IT

Posted: 8/26/2011
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My thought is that there's an over-expectation for both products (Artisteer and CCS) and their interoperability. Should the two products ever completely integrate together in a cohesive manner, then they'd have a product that is unprecedented in the industry.

Artisteer is a web-design application. CodeCharge is a rapid application development environment designed almost exclusively for creating database-driven web applications. It is horid to say the least at 'creating' web design. Use each tool for it's strengths, and try not to make them into something they're not exclusively designed for nor good at.

Yes it is a fair amount of work to make an Artisteer template work the "CodeCharge way". However, it still pales in comparison to not having the benefit of the tool to begin with.


Posted: 9/9/2011
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@Timm - One sentence that is accurate and actually works would be suffice. This isn't rocket science yet when you have sell a product advertising integration between two product and it fails, it is a problem. Doesn't matter if it is one sentence or one page.

Artisteer 3.0 does not integrate cleanly with Code Charge and you have multiple users telling you this. I think we can all understand if we need to make minor changes in the exported CSS (or in the Code Charge code) but at least tell us.

What I find more interesting is Artisteer has deleted my original post.

Posted: 11/14/2011
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Agree completely with this.

The way CCS integration is explained doesn't meet the quality of artisteer documentation or tutorials.

I agree as far as CCS integration, artisteer is somehow incomplete. I really missed a step by step tutorial, instead of some vague comments. at least for a dork like me...

Posted: 4/2/2012
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BTW., what is CCS and where can I get it?


Vinay -

sorry to be DUMB


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