WordPress Editor messes up Text and <p> and <br>

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Posted: 2/2/2015
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i got a problem that really starts to drive me crazy!
i used artisteer for joomla a long time and never had any problems that i coudnt solve!

for example: when i made a new page in joomla cms it was shown exactly as i created it in editor on my webpage - absolutely fine!

now i made my first WordPress template with artisteer and it makes me almost cry!

everythink work but:

when i create a new text page in wordpress cms and publish it - the template ignores every <p> and <br> ! so i just get a massive wall of text!

thats so crazy....
in the editor on the admin wordpress page it looks perfect - but on the live website theres just a wall of text with no <p> or <br>.

somebody know why ?!


Posted: 2/2/2015
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EDIT: oh and here is the crazy think:
when i change template to a wordpress default template not created with artisteer: Taadaaaa! everythink is fine!

so the error must be in the artister template...
John Wright

Posted: 2/6/2015
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1. Install the TinyMCS Advanced plugin to your WP website
2. Click to Settings > TinyMCE Advanced
3. Low in the page is a checkbox which says "Stop removing the <p> and <br /> tags when saving and show them in the Text editor"
4. Check that, and you're good to go!


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