Post your bugs here for Artisteer 4.1 for Windows (

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Posted: 2/21/2013
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As today the official release is there :-D

I suggest if you find any (true) bugs to post them here so we have em listed here for our own conveniance and it saves us all for searching over the forum posts and it will prevent doublures.

Posted: 2/21/2013
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Good idea.

I can confirm it did fix the issue with "Post" replacing all the blog headlines. It also fixes the issue with thumbnail image alignment on the front page.


Posted: 2/21/2013
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Error I received uploading a new theme:

Unpacking the package…

Installing the theme…

The package could not be installed. The style.css stylesheet doesn't contain a valid theme header.

Theme install failed.

Posted: 2/21/2013
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"Headings for the posts page" setup - doesn't work

I am Norbert from hungary,

I need your help into the following:

I am using: 40058478 ver. and upgraded to 41059861 (purchased Home ver.) and create some wordpress themes.
I use actualy wordpress 3,5 ver....

I made this setup on "Headings for the posts page" part:
Tag for the article -> H2


on "Headings for the single post or page" part:
Tag for the article -> H1

but it doesnt work well, because "system" creates everywhere H1 tag.
(SEO problem....)

Looks like "Headings for the posts page" part doesnt work on the category and archive pages!

Please help me to solve this problem!

Thak you for your help in advance!

Norbert Tag for the article -> H2

Posted: 2/21/2013
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Only thing I've noticed thus far, is the avatar is not showing in the login widget. I've made two wordpress themes so far, both missing avatar.

Posted: 2/21/2013
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Quote Spencer:

Good idea.

I can confirm it did fix the issue with "Post" replacing all the blog headlines. It also fixes the issue with thumbnail image alignment on the front page.

I just installed the latest release and show the word "Post". What is this???? HUGE problem. Any ideas? Wordpress 3.5.1


Posted: 2/21/2013
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Header images such as company logo fail in responsive design. I tested this with my current template as well with some artisteer stock templates.

Posted: 2/21/2013
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Anyone having the problem I'm having? It was the same with the previous version

Recent Posts lists are being repeated in the upper left corner


Posted: 2/21/2013
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Quote PP100:

Anyone having the problem I'm having? It was the same with the previous version

Recent Posts lists are being repeated in the upper left corner

Ok I sorta fixed it, somehow a "header widget" area was activated when it shouldn't exist.
I'm talking to support about another issue.
Mike L.

Posted: 2/21/2013
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I'm missing a couple of Google fonts that I'm using with one theme. The font names are Anaheim & Sanchez

Posted: 2/23/2013
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This is really annoying. Any pages with content show up twice. If a page has a shortcode it shows up twice. this includes posts as well

Posted: 2/23/2013
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Just had a post deleted from this forum for the first time ever - just for suggesting that a final release wouldn't have any bugs to report! :-D

Posted: 2/24/2013
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I am having problems with 'Social' from Jetpack. Styles for social buttons, all options they offer, are not displaying correctly. This wasn't an issue with Artisteer 3, but is with 4.

Posted: 2/24/2013
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I was fooling around with post meta header styles. I turned off date and author and that caused the heading underline to disappear and now I cannot turn it back on. Everything except the icons is greyed out in the drop down. I tried to get it back by selecting 'display author' but it wouldn't stick.

And I chose to 'hide heading' on home page and now I cannot find a way to restore it.

Posted: 2/24/2013
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@ Bj Check to see if your Browser is the Latest Version, Also check on other Browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox and I.E), if havent already, to see if Social Icons work fine.

I found that I was getting problems with latest FireFox, But all the other Browsers I tested on turned out correctly .

Posted: 2/28/2013
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I have the latest version, not sure if its just me but I create a template for wordpress with content etc.. when I install to wordpress some pages have no header? Obviously I can tick the "show header"option in wp on each page, but is there something I am missing?

Posted: 3/2/2013
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It should display with the show header enabled, try disabling the installed plugins and clearing the browser cache.

Posted: 3/22/2013
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I just downloaded and Installed Artisteer ver. 4.1 and began trying out the responsive design results with a previous design. Luckily I did the work on my desktop server and didn't upload the new theme to replace my current Ver. 3 template.

I ran the them using the "Preview in Browser" option with Chrome and it looked great if I didn't use more than one slide in the Header. When I used 2 slides they floated upward and half disappeared so that the alternating images were only 50% visible.

I use a banner design in m y background and float the Header on top of it. It looked great when previewing so I installed the theme in my development site and it failed terribly. The header created a space above and below so it was completely not aligned with background.

When I reduced the window size to match a mobile phone size the entire banner disappeared and a large ( 2" x 2") white box appeared above the site title.
The menu items on the first row of the ( horizontal) Navbar were visible but all the submenu items disappeared. After going to another page , the menu was completely lost.

Lots of bugs to workout before using Artisteer as a "Responsive" design tool.


Posted: 3/24/2013
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I am using artisteer 4.1 now and I have been trying for a WEEK to get the stupid thing to export with the logo and header I placed there. but to no avail.

seems super buggy to be a 'stable' release.

Posted: 4/21/2013
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One of my favorite 4.0 features was the addition of the "shapes" to the Header. You could add various text blocks, change the color, size, font, etc. and drag them around. Very helpful for adding an address and/or phone number.

In 4.1, you can still add shapes with text, HOWEVER changing the size, color, font, etc., no longer work. It says it's doing it, but it does nothing. It might say it's Red, 24 points, Italics, but it displays plain.

Ticket opened with Artisteer. Meanwhile, uninstalling and going back to 4.0.
RJ Levesque, Jr.

Posted: 4/22/2013
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The entire theme customization menu is completely missing in the newest build. MAJOR ISSUE GUYS!!!! PLEASE ADDRESS THIS ISSUE ASAP!!!

I go to Appearance and all I have is Themes, Menus, Widgets...

Posted: 4/22/2013
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Quote Scott:

One of my favorite 4.0 features was the addition of the "shapes" to the Header. You could add various text blocks, change the color, size, font, etc. and drag them around. Very helpful for adding an address and/or phone number.

In 4.1, you can still add shapes with text, HOWEVER changing the size, color, font, etc., no longer work. It says it's doing it, but it does nothing. It might say it's Red, 24 points, Italics, but it displays plain.

I am happy to report that this bug is now fixed in an upcoming release Artisteer tech support gave me a link to it, and the problem is solved. Since it isn't released yet, I don't think I can give out the link, but I'm sure if you ask tech support, they will give it to you.
Vicky Rowe

Posted: 5/8/2013
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Header image does not appear in IE 8 and Chrome. It does show up in Firefox.


Posted: 5/12/2013
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Does anybody know how to fix the problem of page text showing up twice? Very aggravating.

Posted: 5/13/2013
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@ Wayne

Make sure you have latest 4.1 version:

Posted: 6/16/2013
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Quote Jimmy:

Error I received uploading a new theme:

Unpacking the package…

Installing the theme…

The package could not be installed. The style.css stylesheet doesn't contain a valid theme header.

Theme install failed.

Anyone know if the above has been fixed or could point me in the right direction to correct whatever I may be doing. I only recently downloaded the latest version Also I don't see the option to export content anymore either.

Thanks, any help would be muchly appreciated.



Posted: 6/16/2013
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I found what I was doing wrong, I was exporting as a Wordpress Template instead of a Wordpress Theme.

It is all working as it should be, thanks very much.



PS if only I could validate this....:-)

Posted: 7/13/2013
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I have the same issue. Site looks fine in browsers, but not on a cell phone. The first image of a slide show shows below the actual slide show and is static.

Posted: 7/22/2013
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My menus and header are completely out of alignment on my theme. The are out of alignment and outside the body (sheet).
I am using the latest version 61 and tried a version of them that was created in the previous version with no problem.
Also, I am unable to change font color inside shape

Posted: 7/22/2013
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forgot to list site
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