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Posted: 1/21/2013
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Just wondering if anyone else is having this issue with the latest Artisteer.

I exported a theme and installed it to WordPress. When I checked the page to see how it looked, I noticed that on my home page was the page title. I figured I had to go to page and uncheck the page title, but when I edited the page, it was already unchecked. No matter how many times I checked it, updated, unchecked, updated...it wouldn't go away. To make it even better, it didn't even have the correct page title - just displayed 'Post'.

Posted: 1/21/2013
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My pages look ok, but all my posts now are just titled "Post" and they aren't clickable links like they should be.

Posted: 1/21/2013
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All my page and posts headers say POST. Come on Artisteer, get it together.
Don Harris

Posted: 1/21/2013
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Mine too says just POST. Seems to be a fairly obvious bug. This is DEFINITELY NOT release quality.

Posted: 1/21/2013
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My sub-menus also do not work on mobile phone. They do work on tablet.

Posted: 1/21/2013
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Actually, I can get the sub-menus to display briefly on mobile phone in landscape view and also on my tablet, but I cannot select any sub-item before the page submits to the parent page. And sub-menus do not display at all on phone in portrait view.

Anybody else experiencing this issue?

Posted: 1/22/2013
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Al my posts now are just titled "Post" did you have some solution ?

Posted: 1/22/2013
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Please help its bad bug... I updated several sites now i have all over post written

Posted: 1/22/2013
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I have answer from Staff Artisteer for this problem please do this

Pleasy try this workaround:

Go to wp-admin => Appearance => Editor and open wrappers.php file, find this line:

<article<?php echo $id; ?> class="art-post art-article <?php echo $class; ?>">
<h2 class="art-postheader">Post

Delete Post from there and save.


Posted: 1/22/2013
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Quote Vera:

Delete Post from there and save.

I did this and I get nothing displayed.

But if I change the word Post for this:

<?php echo $title; ?>

VOILA! It works! :-)

Posted: 1/22/2013
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Nice - good to kno that , but firts work too :)

Posted: 1/22/2013
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I have the same issue as all of ya, I just removed this part from wrapper.php and that solved it for me for know. <h2 class="art-postheader">Post

Posted: 1/22/2013
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Great fix...it's just too bad that every time a newly revamped RC version comes out, it's worse then the previous version and we have to dink around with things to make it work.

Posted: 1/22/2013
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This worked like a charm I had been fiddling around all night trying to fix this issue and started to wonder if it was just me. Thanks for all the help everyone! :-D

Posted: 1/22/2013
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This worked great. Thanks.

Posted: 1/23/2013
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Quote Don Harris:

Mine too says just POST. Seems to be a fairly obvious bug. This is DEFINITELY NOT release quality.

The same here man.... All titles just "Post"

This needs a fast fix!


Posted: 1/23/2013
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Why aren't they releasing an automated WordPress plugin update, since they know how to fix the problem? Why are they waiting for and not actively managing another marketing blunder?

The solution posted by Vera and cmpessoa works like a charm btw. I am very grateful to you guys.

Posted: 1/31/2013
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Go to wp-admin => Appearance => Editor and open wrappers.php file, find this line:

<article<?php echo $id; ?> class="art-post art-article <?php echo $class; ?>">
<h2 class="art-postheader"><?php echo $title; ?>

Yes that does work but it does need to be fixed. I have some multi theme sites and this has to be done multi times LOL

Posted: 1/31/2013
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I am going crazy. I can't find the title button to start typing. How do I type title and slogan in this version? Anyone?

Posted: 2/1/2013
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Quote Josicus:

I have the same issue as all of ya, I just removed this part from wrapper.php and that solved it for me for know. <h2 class="art-postheader">Post

I'm new to CSS so can you please be clear on what you did? Did you just backspace over that one word "Post" outside of the brackets?

Posted: 2/1/2013
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Quote cmpessoa:

Quote Vera:

Delete Post from there and save.

I did this and I get nothing displayed.

But if I change the word Post for this:

<?php echo $title; ?>

VOILA! It works! :-)


I don't understand. Please explain what it is that you deleted. Did you delete a specific line and replace it with --- <?php echo $title; ?> or did you replace one specific instance of a word?

I'm not comfy with CSS and just want to double-check what you're describing.

Thank you!

Posted: 2/1/2013
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Someone can correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I think what cmpessoa
is saying if you want the actual title, not the title "POST" then just do what vera says, but instead of just getting rid of the word "POST" place <?php echo $title; ?> in it's place.

Quote Dave:

The delete "Post" work-around worked! Whew!

But I still do not understand cmpessoa's fix. I'd like to understand that work-around as well, in case the other one does not work as we wait for an Artisteer version that fixes this pesky bug.


Posted: 2/2/2013
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btw Dave. .it's a php fix not css.

Posted: 2/3/2013
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removing "Post" in wrappers.php workded

<a href="http://ultimatewebandseo.com">freelance website designer</a>


Posted: 2/4/2013
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Thanks for posting this guys.
Removed "Post" and added this: <?php echo $title; ?> in its place did the trick.
Going to be a real pain to update these templates each time. Grrrrr.

Posted: 2/6/2013
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I opened Artisteer yesterday to update my website/blog template, and updated to the latest version of Artisteer.
I have spent many hours trying to figure out what I am doing wrong, bugging my IT guru husband, and getting stressed out, trying to find out why the titles of my pages/posts in WordPress, are just coming up with Pages or Posts, very frustrating!!!
I don't know enough about .php to confidently edit the file, so please Artisteer can you fix this bug quick! As I won't be able to edit/create any new Artisteer templates until you fix it.
Thanks to everyone for posting, forums are a great help!
Now I can stop wasting my time trying to figure out what is wrong :-)

Posted: 2/6/2013
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Yes there are bigger bugs to fry but 2 weeks since the last RC, surely they could have dropped a hotfix for this...

Posted: 2/22/2013
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Nice one cmpessoa!

Posted: 10/6/2013
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in wrappers.php replace:
<h2 class="art-postheader">Post

if(strlen($title) > 0){

<h2 class="aaa001-postheader">
<?php echo $title; ?>

This way if you want to have static pages without header you don't get the header css.

Posted: 5/30/2014
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Quote David:

removing "Post" in wrappers.php workded

<a href="http://ultimatewebandseo.com">freelance website designer</a>

how can I fix this when I export as website?
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