[Big panic!] Gallery (NextGen or Std) not visible on first/landing page

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Posted: 10/26/2011
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.Clippy's fix worked for me also.


Posted: 11/14/2011
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Thanks Clippy editing the functions.php worked for me also using awsome flickr gallery :-)

Posted: 12/7/2011
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I had the same issue withseveral plugins on the frontpage

After "playing" for days I got an easy solution without changing codes to make it work:
open the Appearance > Theme Options > Excerpt section.

I unchecked the 'Apply excerpt tag filter' and plugins work on the frontpage like they should

Posted: 12/17/2011
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Yesterday my blog was hacked and I'm having to do a complete re-install of Wordpress with the theme I used Artisteer to create and it's a complete nightmare. :(

I've found I cannot make images show on the main blog page (just individual post pages) if they have captions. I tried changing the code in the function.php like someone suggested above, but all it did was make the images display and throw a bunch of code into my blog post that shows the caption, but removes all formatting. It's such a mess!

I'm not the best at this.. so if you're able to answer me, please speak slowly. :-/ Thank you!
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