Vertical Menu ?

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Dave Porter

Posted: 2/5/2010
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OK, got up to speed on how the vertical menu's work.

When you export you can select if the horizontal menu is the pages menu or the categories menu - and the opposite for the vertical menu.

But what if I want both the Page menu and categories menu to be vertical ?

I guess you could do two exports and manually add them both into one theme, but a bit of messing around!

Also for other's playing around, after you install a theme with vertical menu's, you have to drag the new widget 'vertical menu' onto your 'sidebar' in the widgets page of your WP admin.

cheers Dave
Dave Porter

Posted: 2/5/2010
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Also it would be nice if the Widget had settings (name of title)
And to add to the first message, the ultimate if this vertical widget had settings to say if you want it to be Page-Menu, Categories-Menu, Links etc... ).
So they all have the same look and feel, but you decide what is included!
cheers Dave

Brett Bumeter

Posted: 2/5/2010
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Thanks Dave, I was just getting to that step and wondering what to do, expect.


After I figure this out (the cake) I then need to start dabbling with the Flash header (icing) capability.

I had to buy an upgrade for my license finally as well as my free update period had expired, FYI it took no time at all for the new upgrade to process and my license to get reactivated (seconds not minutes) :)

Posted: 2/13/2010
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There are not options in the Vertical Menu widget.

Would love to see the same functions as are available in the native wp widgets for pages and categories.


Posted: 2/13/2010
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Quote Dave Porter:

I guess you could do two exports and manually add them both into one theme, but a bit of messing around!

Tried that. It didn't work.

There's an if then statement in the functions.php file that tells it what to dispay. I'm trying to figure out a way to split that function in two in roder to have both.