Removing the rollover effect?

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Posted: 11/5/2009
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How do I get rid of the rollover effect automatically placed on the buttons?


Posted: 11/5/2009
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I made the rollover and hover colors the same as the initial color, though it still seems to be creating a rollover effect with a different color

Posted: 11/5/2009
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I think rollover effect is created by image swapping in Artisteer generated themes, you can make both images the same so that someone can't feel while images are swapped.

Posted: 11/5/2009
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Hi Garry,

I just checked my exported images folder in the theme folder and I do not seem to see the images that are being used to make the rollover button???

Posted: 11/6/2009
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The image named buttons in your images folder is used to display buttons.

Posted: 11/6/2009
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Hi Garry,

I see the file button.png though I have no idea how this is making the rollover effect. I have seen other rollover effects where there are separate graphics for each rollover state. This one just has 3 different colored shapes that somehow are making this effect.

What would I do to remove this rollover effect?

Thanks again!
Dave Porter

Posted: 11/7/2009
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Hi Kat,

Just experiment...

If you rename button.png to another name - create another button with just a single colour ( name it button.png and put it in the same place ) and see what happens.

The rollover is created by clever use of offsets to move the one image around!
( Not something unique to Artisteer, it's been around a while ! )

HTH Dave


Posted: 11/7/2009
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Just open that image in a photo editing softweare like Photoshop and make all colors the same.