Wordpress menu problems

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Posted: 8/28/2009
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I am probably missing something so obvious that folks will want to laugh me off the forums, but I can't figure out what's going wrong.

I have an artisteer built theme with a menu below the header. When I activate the theme, it shows only the "home" button/link. no "categories;" no "links;" no "archives;" no nuttin'

I'm pretty new to wordpress and artisteer, so it's entirely possible there's something I haven't done that I'm supposed to. If anyone has any ideas/thoughts, they'd be much appreciated.
Dave Porter

Posted: 8/28/2009
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Hi rdriley ( A friendly name is always nice to see ! )

This is the most common area of discussion I have noticed in these forums.

To put it simply, the menu items are not created in Artisteer!
Wordpress is a Content Management System.
So what happens is once the theme is uploaded to your Wordpress web site, you then maintain the content in the Admin area of Wordpress.
( In fact the theme has nothing to do with it and can be changed at any time !)

So all the pages that you want to add to your site are added in your admin area & the menu's will automatically update themselves as the pages are added ( and set to a status of Published ! )

Suggest you head over to the WordPress web site and check out some of the introductory docs...

HTH Dave Porter

Posted: 8/28/2009
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Artisteer is great, except for the Artisteer menu bar which may be very pretty to look at, but problematic, constricted, and overly complicated (aka badly engineered). If you like manually adding category code, links and suchlike in the menu bar, and try adding it to the Artisteer menu bar, it won't format properly. The best thing is to create a standard menu bar yourself. That way, if you read those introductory docs that Dave Porter suggests will actually be useful to you without having to first learn software engineering.

Posted: 8/28/2009
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Following is a good tutorial showing how to use Wordpress:



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