A problem in ( post your reply ) in Artisteer themes

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Posted: 6/23/2009
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Hi '

There is a problem in Artisteer wordpress theme
when I want to post a reply
the button of ( post your reply ) doesn't appear !!

see the image :

Also there are many links don't work at all ! ( like the links of META box )
I hope that you can help !

( Excuse me , I'm not very good in English :-/ )

Posted: 6/23/2009
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Why is that little symbol appearing right before "Logged in as:". That shouldn't be there. Looks like something is broke there or right before that. Looks like that symbol is showing as a link also. Looks like your going to the comments section without closing a link. </a> Hard to tell by only a picture.

Posted: 6/23/2009
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Thanks a lot Bob
I'll be happy if you took a look at this blog


It's in Arabic , but you can see what I talked about
this theme is made by Artisteer without any changing in php files except the header to remove blog's name and the footer to edit the links ..

I hope the blog will help !

Thanks again :-)

Posted: 6/23/2009
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I took a quick look at your css file and it looks to me like there may be a problem with trying to get that button to go from right to left. Take a look at your css file under button and you see it aligns left and floats left so I don't think it will display. The link is actually still on your blog and can be clicked you just can't see it. I would try changing the float and align to right and see if it changes.

Posted: 6/23/2009
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Thank you so much !

Ok mmm :-/ , what about the links that are not working !
in META box ?
I can't login from there or logout !
( I have to write wp-admin in the adress to log in ! )


Posted: 6/23/2009
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Although I can't understand site's language but I can see login screen on clicking login button on: http://basmah.freetzi.com/wordpress/

Posted: 6/24/2009
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Hi Garry
thank you for reply
Login button dosen't work !
and I logout from the dashboard !

This isn't the only problem in Artisteer themes
the links of ( categories + comments ) are olso not working

Thank you all for attention :-)
I hope somebody can fix these problems soon

( don't care to my mistakes :-| )

Posted: 6/24/2009
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Hi Garry
thank you for reply
Login button dosen't work !
and I logout from the dashboard !

This isn't the only problem in Artisteer themes
the links of ( categories + comments ) are olso not working

Thank you all for attention :-)
I hope somebody can fix these problems soon

( don't care to my mistakes :-| )

Posted: 6/24/2009
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Hi Garry
thank you for reply
Login button dosen't work !
and I logout from the dashboard !

This isn't the only problem in Artisteer themes
the links of ( categories + comments ) are olso not working

Thank you all for attention :-)
I hope somebody can fix these problems soon

( don't care to my mistakes :-| )

Posted: 6/24/2009
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Hi Garry
thank you for reply
Login button dosen't work !
and I logout from the dashboard !

This isn't the only problem in Artisteer themes
the links of ( categories + comments ) are olso not working

Thank you all for attention :-)
I hope somebody can fix these problems soon

( don't care to my mistakes :-| )

Posted: 6/24/2009
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Sorry for repetition my reply

Posted: 6/24/2009
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I wonder if your theme works okay left to right??

Posted: 6/24/2009
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Do you mean the theme without changing any thing in it's files ??
because some problems are from ( ta3reeb )
I know the word is strang ! :-/
It means changing the theme into ( Arabic ) ..
I exported the theme without any changings but the links problems and the button are still exist !
I think the problem is in ( Artisteer ) !!

:-| Sorry again for my bad english :-(
I hope my speech is clear :-/ !!!

Posted: 6/24/2009
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I only use Artisteer for sites here in the USA with left to right format and all themes I create with Artisteer work well. You may want to email support@artisteer.com and ask them. The forum here is just other users willing to help out. They may be able to shed some light on converting the orientation to be right to left. If you would like me to put your theme on my test server as a USA blog I can do that to see if it all works well and that the problem is making an Artisteer theme work from right to left. Let me know and I'll tell yo where to send the .artx file.
- Bob


Posted: 6/25/2009
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Thanks a lot Bob !
I'll be glad If you can do something for my theme :-/
( I asked others about the theme before but they couldn't help :-( )
Now tell me where and i'll send the file ( in sha allah > in arabic :-) )
Thank you so much :-)

Posted: 6/25/2009
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Send to bob@gdscomp.com and I will take a look.

- Bob


Posted: 6/25/2009
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The file has been sent
Thanks again


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