About Right to left wordpress theme.

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Posted: 6/16/2009
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(1) I want to use the theme for an arabic or urdu language, that is mean I have to convert the theme form LTR, to RTL, and when I add direction:rtl; in stylem under body it dose work, but then I cant see the search button, is there any sulotion for this problem?

(2) is there any way to convert the Wordoress theme while I work on it in te artisteer program?

(3) I want to translate the .po or .mo file into urdu can any one tell how to open those files?

I will send you the Urdu language file after I translate so you can add urdu language file to the program,

thank you

Posted: 6/17/2009
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anyone can help!!

Posted: 10/21/2009
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the same question for rtl and ltr plz help

also there is no option for the bullets to be right to left also for the side menu head block icons i can't make the icon to the right side

Posted: 10/21/2009
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Following is also a similar thread: http://www.artisteer.com/?post_id=116252&p=forum_post

You can find if po and mo files already exists for your language on following page: http://codex.wordpress.org/Translating_WordPress

You can use following program to edit/create mo files: http://sourceforge.net/projects/poedit/