Image Caption Problem with Dark Sheet

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another jean

Posted: 5/16/2009
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I am using a dark theme for a gallery site.
Wordpress image captions are on a light background below the picture.
However, the image caption is taking my font color which is nearly white making the caption unreadable.
Assistance greatly appreciated!!
Your Web Pros

Posted: 5/16/2009
Quote message 

To edit the font color you need to change the CSS property that is link to your caption text.

To edit the CSS for the caption login to your wordpress site and depending on what version of wordpress your using go to >themes (or design tab) then theme editor > then click styelsheet.css

There might be a line similar to this one

.wp-caption p.wp-caption-text
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 17px;
padding: 0 4px 5px;
margin: 0;
color: #FFFFFF;

You would edit the color code where it says #FFFFF;

Hope that works! :-)

Your Web Pros - Alex

Posted: 5/17/2009
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You may want to post your website address here, I can suggest you some css hack on having URL

Posted: 1/25/2010
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This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

I also have another request. I'd like to change the caption area to look like a Polaroid pix. How can I have an image around the picture?


Quote Your Web Pros:

To edit the font color you need to change the CSS property that is link to your caption text.

To edit the CSS for the caption login to your wordpress site and depending on what version of wordpress your using go to >themes (or design tab) then theme editor > then click styelsheet.css

There might be a line similar to this one

.wp-caption p.wp-caption-text
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 17px;
padding: 0 4px 5px;
margin: 0;
color: #FFFFFF;

You would edit the color code where it says #FFFFF;

Hope that works! :-)

Your Web Pros - Alex



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