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Normal User

Posted: 11/24/2011
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This is aimed at Windows version. Firstly, Artiseer is fantastic and does more than what I want - but, one thing I don't understand is why the interface has to be different from every other Windows program.

I want to be able to go to help>upgrade... rather than go to the website, put my key in and see if there is an update for me.

Theres a "file" menu option, which is close to most windows apps but everything else is in its own way.

I sound very ambiguous don't I, it's probably a whole heap of hassle to change the UI but when you look at the majority of windows programs you can guess where things are going to be because they are all the same (Word, Dreamweaver, Firefox, just everything)

File>Edit>View>stuff>Help - its just how 99% of programs work on Windows, deviating from this just makes it harder to find things.

BUTTTT.... it does work really well, for Joomla anyway, havent tried the others.

Perhaps in version 4 standardise the layout...

just my 2 cents