Themler Desktop Installation Updated (v1.0.59) and Joomla ARTX Support Added

Author Message
Necmettin akan

Posted: 8/14/2015
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Themler is not as good as artisteer. It is very slow and takes a lot of time to make a theme. I think you had better make plugins for prestashop, virtuemart and prestashop etc. in artisteer.

Posted: 8/25/2015
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THEMLER :-< :-< :-<

Posted: 11/13/2015
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oh yes i have payed themler for 1 year but its so sh*t!! Artisteer is better.
i will my money from themler return via paypal :-< :-< :-< :-<

Posted: 12/5/2015
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Quote Hamdi:

Please, stop developing themler, its so useless, I feeling bad when I think about it. I can pay double price for artisteer but not a coin for themler!


Posted: 12/5/2015
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Quote stefan:

oh yes i have payed themler for 1 year but its so sh*t!! Artisteer is better.
i will my money from themler return via paypal :-< :-< :-< :-<


Posted: 12/9/2015
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Dear Artisteer team!
All your clients ask you: please do anything for Artisteer and not for Themler.
Themler is not good product and I not want to renew licence for Themler.
Artisteer is the BEST!! Please, stop developing Themler!
you have best platform - it's is a Artisteer!


Posted: 12/9/2015
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Quote Necmettin akan:

Themler is not as good as artisteer. It is very slow and takes a lot of time to make a theme. I think you had better make plugins for prestashop, virtuemart and prestashop etc. in artisteer.

I would need to agree, Themler is very complex and seems to fit the Wordpress mechanics better than the Joomla machanics.

Themler overides a lot of the Joomla formatting, one item in particular is the Intro and Main article images, Joomla allows you to float left/right these images, where Themler just overides these completely. I would recommend Artisteer is further developed to include bootstrap - that would be +1 for Joomla templates.

We also don't have the fastest internet in South Africa and Themler relies heavily on internet access. This seems to slow things down in my opinion as well.

claudya guerr

Posted: 1/12/2016
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:( Yes, same here at Brazil, the internet is not so fast, & it´s so hard to use Themler. I´ll not renew with Artsiteer, & don´t see nothing that worst money on Themler, sorry guys
Paying user

Posted: 1/14/2016
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Artisteer has not been updated since August 25, 2014. One year and a half without new features or bugs correction.
Why do I have to pay for updates if you don't develop any while you loose time on another product, Themler?
Themler simply doesn't work or, at least, doesn't work as good as Artisteer does... or used to do because, as far as I can understand reading "behind the lines" of your BAD communication about this argument, it is a dead project without a good replacement.
I'm a disappointed paying user and I will not renew my license.


Posted: 5/10/2016
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Please stop themler!!!!!!!!!
Artisteer is the best.

Luis Lara

Posted: 5/22/2016
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is there any one out there who has bought Themler recently? Or try to use it?

Posted: 7/15/2016
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Quote SDDesign:

Please stop themler!!!!!!!!!
Artisteer is the best.

You right! Thank you!

Posted: 1/16/2017
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Posted: 1/22/2017
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Quote amygoldfarb:

JOKESFAIR.COM is a jokes site and a biggest treasures of unlimited funny jokes. Are you bored ? want to laugh ?

Thank you for your post. Faithful Artisteer users need something to cheer them up because the Artisteer Developers don't give us much to cheer about.

And I'll add my voice to those asking for more Artisteer support. Themeler is hopelessly impossible to use for anything practical.


Posted: 2/19/2017
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Please update Artisteer. Themeler sucks for what I need.


Posted: 3/21/2017
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As a developer, I have used Artisteer for many years to develop numerous Wordpress themes. And with a bit of tweaking can create special page themes to include with projects along with mobile themes that are based on the main theme.

That is why I purchased the Artisteer license and it does that very well. Even after 2 years of no updates.

I don't care at all about adding content via Artisteer. It is only used for structure and formatting.

And I tried Themler, just to see if it was as good. I don't need all.

As a developer, I would pay twice the price for Artisteer and the ability to quickly design and layout themes for Wordpress. And I assume Joomla (and other) developers feel the same. I have designers submit complex graphics web layouts and I have always been able to accommodate them with a small amount of code tweaking.

I understand the need for Artisteer to come up with a way to maintain sales/profit to stay in business.

My suggestions:
- Focus on your developer customers and end users who need a theme development tool and stop wasting time on content.
- Create a basic and a Pro version
- I hate to suggest this, but start licensing with the Cloud approach where you rent the software monthly. Note: I stopped using Adobe products after they started this licensing model, but I am sure their Pro users who need it are glad to pay the monthly fee. Your Artisteer software is that valuable to Pro users.

So, good luck trying to figure out how to survive. And thanks for giving us such a great piece of software for so long. I understand the challenge.


Posted: 6/13/2017
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I love Themler keep up the good work.

Best regards
Lavish Limo

Posted: 11/15/2017
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:*) Are we talking about CMS? Then I love Themler

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