Bring Back the 'Change Template' Option

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Posted: 8/14/2012
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I agree too Artisteer.

I think you've tried to over simplify the software.

The whole point of a CMS is to manage the content for you so there is no need to embed the content in a html template.

The html content editing feature you have is GREAT and i strongly suggest you keep it and continue to develop that as it is a very powerful feature.

But don't confuse creating a template for a CMS or BLOG and creating a template with EMBEDDED CONTENT.

When designing a template for a CMS or BLOG Artisteer does 75% of the work by giving quick and easily comprehensible options to structure a template without having to be concerned with content.

I don't know about anybody else but the side panel properties is a great feature and should be kept, but I would like to see more access to the html/css/javascript for refined tweaking of the template which has been brought closer in version4 but we definitely need the option back and take away the content export, I don't want to be concerned with content that's what my CMS is for

Thanks for a great application and I'm sure we will continue to try and provide positive feed back

Posted: 8/14/2012
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Unfortunately, Artisteer can't be all things to all people. My primary use for Artisteer is to develop and generate WordPress themes. From what I have seen of the initial release of the 4.0 Beta, Version 3.1 is a better tool for my purposes.
Peter S

Posted: 8/15/2012
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Quote 2ninerniner2:

Quote Peter S:

How hard is it to not export with content? Just untick the options box!

Man, some people will complain about anything...

Either you do not design for a CMS or misunderstand what the issue is for those of us who do: it is not a matter of exporting content or not, it is the matter of visually designing the template or theme for the chosen CMS. As with all versions prior to 4, we can immediately see what the design changes will look like with the selected CMS within the Artisteer environment. The design view reflects exactly what the theme or template will look like without having to export, install and activate it, as one does now in 4.0

Then you'd be 100% wrong. I design exclusively for CMS. You, and others, just need to adapt. It took me an afternoon of playing around with the Beta to relearn and adapt.

Posted: 8/15/2012
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Quote Peter S:

Then you'd be 100% wrong. I design exclusively for CMS. You, and others, just need to adapt. It took me an afternoon of playing around with the Beta to relearn and adapt.

Who said anything about not being able to adapt. You still must not get it.

Posted: 8/15/2012
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It's not a matter of adopting, I adopted to be able to create Joomla templates with nothing but note pad, but that is not what I bought Artisteer for.

I purchased Artisteer because it allowed me to design templates with an easy to follow view and Artisteer 4 has taken it away. I am only asking that they keep that one feature in and this comment string has shown that there are many others that feel the same way.

Honestly, I would never have purchased Artisteer in the first place if it worked like Artisteer 4.
Dave B

Posted: 8/15/2012
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I will be fine adapting if they can remove the need for additional script being loaded for something I don't use.

If I don't use a slideshow, popup or whatever I don't want the overhead. Many Joomla sites are very basic and I want to keep them to a minimum footprint not add 200+ KB to each page for no reason.

I've installed a fresh Joomla install with a blank template, meaning all white no header, etc. and it's over .5 MB. Not cool.

I have even had extension developers remove their scripts from non related pages. So I know it's possible.
Sam 2012

Posted: 8/15/2012
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Quote Mani_33:

Why does this company not to the wishes of the customer.

Will not buy a version, It was written by an employee in forum Artisteer implying the next update comes again.

What is with you people. I've had no problem whatsoever using the new version to create wordpress sites.

It doesn't need to be the way it used to be.

I make $1000 to $3000 on an average website.

All it really needs is an elements page to style the fonts and the bullets and what not.

I'll be mad if they go backward. Grrrrrr.


Posted: 8/15/2012
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I agree with Sam 2012. However, I have a feeling we are comparing apples to oranges. I think the people who hate all this, are Joomla users. Most WordPress users love the new version. Somehow this new way of doing things, makes Joomla users work more difficult. Me, coming from the WordPress side, all the new features are awesome.

I'f I'm correct with this assessment, the only people who know what the real problem is are the ones who use both WordPress and Joomla, thus fully understanding what's going on (hopefully). And if that's the case, I think Artisteer should address the concerns brought by the Joomla users somehow separately, without affecting WordPress, because as I said before, I love everything about version 4 so far.

Dave B

Posted: 8/15/2012
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Again, it's not using the product that's bothering me. I used it too and it still does what it used to do (keeping that its' beta in mind). It's cluttering up a interface and adding bloat to the sites footprint that I don't want. Not just me either.

It's not being able to accept change, that's fine. This program will not succeed at doing everything and should be finely tuned for each task. In other words Joomla templates should be for templates and be updated to support new features. Anyone wishing to create content for a CMS in a template is not the majority. People saying it's nice to see what it will look like with content in it. Well there is sample content in it and after you do 3 CMS sites why do you still wonder what it will look like?

They obviously can't separate them anymore if they want you to be able to create a slideshow or whatever. The more bloat the more conflicts with other extensions, etc.

There are still features of the Joomla 2.6.x that are not supported. It's ridiculous I have to wait for those features to be added so people can type in misspelled text in a template program on their computer. It may even be employees posting that rubbish in the forum for all I know.

I just don't believe there is not a way to do this and have the majority of people not be at odds.

The other problem is they won't explain anything to help us understand what the new direction is. Support is completely ignoring my questions. Maybe this is all going to be sorted out by the final release. If so it would be nice to know so I and everyone else isn't wasting all this time reading and typing. I know, like it or leave it, right?
Dave B

Posted: 8/15/2012
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Quote Nick:

I agree with Sam 2012. However, I have a feeling we are comparing apples to oranges. I think the people who hate all this, are Joomla users. Most WordPress users love the new version. Somehow this new way of doing things, makes Joomla users work more difficult. Me, coming from the WordPress side, all the new features are awesome.

I'f I'm correct with this assessment, the only people who know what the real problem is are the ones who use both WordPress and Joomla, thus fully understanding what's going on (hopefully). And if that's the case, I think Artisteer should address the concerns brought by the Joomla users somehow separately, without affecting WordPress, because as I said before, I love everything about version 4 so far.

I agree with Nick, and this is where mixing it all up into one glob is turning people away. As someone else mentioned, look at the number of posts, Joomla is the most on this forum.

The html piece is underwhelming too. Spell check and Google Analytics should be a no brainer. It should be template based as well. Dreamweaver is that way and you don't have to add all the extra code or whatever manually on each page. You create a new page with that included. My god, if I create a 20 page site and add all that manually then update the template I have to go and do it all again?! 15+ million sites using GA and this is not included. Before you say put it in the footer or a block, that's not supported anymore by Google. Won't produce the correct results. Sorry.

Sorry, I am not a happy camper, as you can tell.

Posted: 8/15/2012
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Quote :
All it really needs is an elements page to style the fonts and the bullets and what not.

The page with all elements was added in Beta 2.
Just click to the second post named "Post" in the Pages tree (sitemap)

Posted: 8/21/2012
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As a Joomla developer I am hoping that we are able to see the themes in real time, like we where able to before 4.0 Beta 1.

Has there been any confirmation when this is coming back?

Posted: 11/4/2012
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same here, I would buy 4.0 for the new stuff but as long as it does not have this I will not, I'll just stick with 3.xx

Posted: 11/4/2012
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They DID bring it back. Look at the second Blog entry "Lorem Ipsum".

If that is not good enough, you can create your own "template page" and import it with every new template you create:

File->Import->Content from ARTX Project...

FloridaMike's post is dated 8/21/2012, things have changed since then. The final version still has some bugs and minor problems, but this is not one of them. Not anymore that is...

And don't take my word for it, download V4, and run it in the trial mode, and judge for yourself. V4 is far better than 3.1, even with the minor bugs.

Posted: 11/4/2012
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I hated the new look and feel so much at first that I kept V3 on the computer to use for my HTML and WordPress projects. The more I played with V4, the more comfortable I felt with it. It still has some bugs but it's not that bad. I have since removed the V3 installation.

Posted: 11/5/2012
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It was so much better when we could select the CMS we where working with and then we would see the elements that pertained to that CMS. This universal layout system is clunky and not user friendly.
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