Can't change Wordpress footer anymore

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Posted: 2/29/2012
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Earlier this week, I made a Wordpress template with Artisteer.
I putted some text in the footer of the template, but when I want to change it now, I can edit it via the footer menu, but when I upload the theme, the text stays the same. This is very frustrating. I tried several times.

I saved the new footer text, uploaded the theme, but nothing changes in the footer. I even removed the whole footertext to see what happens and it stays also the same.

What can I do?

Posted: 2/29/2012
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In Wordpress, under Appearance - Theme Options there is a section marked "Footer" add info there

Posted: 2/29/2012
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I know. That's the only thing I use actually, but it won't help. The footer text doesn't disappear when I upload the theme to wordpress.

Posted: 2/29/2012
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Are you talking about the "Powered by Wordpress" at the very bottom of screen. If it is then you need to edit footer.php

Posted: 2/29/2012
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No, it is the footer itself. When I edit the text, it will not change when I upload it. (since this week).

Posted: 3/1/2012
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Change the name of the theme and upload it without overwriting the current one. Then change it from the appearance menu.

Posted: 3/2/2012
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I had this problem, too. Now, I don't have the most current version yet, but here's what I was told by customer service, and it worked in my version:

Go to Export -> Export Options -> Footnote.

This footer thing seems small, but it's a big deal, since you don't want to create websites or themes for a client and not be able to change that. 8-)

Let us know if this works or not. I want to upgrade to the newest version, but am worried about glitches like this one occurring.

Posted: 3/3/2012
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The issue appears to be caused by changing the footer dets locally in Wordpress which forces the theme to use the metadata in WP database rather than in the theme files. This makes sense as you wouldn't want filler data in a theme to overwrite a customer's own data when a theme is modified. I reckon that you'd need to remove the record that defines the footer links/text in the db or, as otherwise suggested, upload under a new name to get a new default setting.


Posted: 3/7/2012
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BTW the record in wp_options that overrides the theme footer value is
option_name ="theme_footer_content". Delete that record and your theme's values will shine through.