Lightbox Issue

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Mr Parrot

Posted: 11/4/2011
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I'm using the Lightbox plugin that works fine on page and individual posts, but not on the main posts page. It simply links to the image in a window.

See what I mean at

Any suggestions?


Posted: 11/5/2011
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Hi, Mr Parrot,

Is Lightbox configured to attach to the title attribute? I noticed on the category archive that the rel="lightbox[603]" attribute isn't in the link, but neither is the title attribute.

I'm not sure which Lightbox plugin you're using, but I've worked with some similar that allow attaching to the title or media type.
Mr Parrot

Posted: 11/5/2011
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Hi Abland,
I'm using Lightbox Plus which I've used on other sites without a problem, alhtough I haven't tried it with the latest version of Artisteer.

What I can't figure is why it should work on individual posts, but not on the main posts page. It's as if something is missing from the functions file. Vary odd.


Posted: 11/5/2011
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Hi, Mr Parrot,

I downloaded the plugin and looked at the coding. It makes reference to the_content() and declares content as a wordpress global, but there's no reference to excerpt.

Out of curiosity, disable excerpts and see if it works. If it does then it's the plugin not recognizing the excerpt in the theme as content.

Posted: 11/5/2011
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Hi, Mr Parrot,

I just remembered Clippy posted previously about something related. In your theme's "content.php" find:
'content' => theme_get_excerpt(),

change to:
'content' => theme_get_content(),

Let me know if that worked.
Mr Parrot

Posted: 11/5/2011
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Thanks Abland,
That had done the trick. I'm not quite sure how because I didn't have excerpt enabled, but I'm not arguing!
