Need Wordpress Dual Menu support

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Posted: 4/5/2011
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Is there any way to get this feature included soon? I mean, have the ability to use one menu for pages and one for categories like

Thanks for a great product so far Artisteer

Posted: 4/5/2011
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It already exists.

Posted: 4/6/2011
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Quote RTFM!:

It already exists.

OK, how do you accomplish this? I am looking desperately to do the same



Posted: 4/7/2011
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It's a WordPress configuration, not Artisteer per se. Design your site, export it, then configure within WordPress.

Posted: 4/8/2011
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WTF RTFM read the freaking post.

No it is not freaking possible to have two horizontal menus using of for page and one for cats.

You can only have ONE horizontal menu UNLESS the modify the exported code. Artisteer doesn;t do this in the software.

So piss off and RTFP!!!

Posted: 4/8/2011
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Quote !@sswipe!:

WTF RTFM read the freaking post.

No it is not freaking possible to have two horizontal menus using of for page and one for cats.

You can only have ONE horizontal menu UNLESS the modify the exported code. Artisteer doesn;t do this in the software.

So piss off and RTFP!!!

Ah, the children have come out to play now.

Grow up and if you can't say anything constructive then don't say anything at all.

Posted: 4/8/2011
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Quote !@sswipe!:

WTF RTFM read the freaking post.

No it is not freaking possible to have two horizontal menus using of for page and one for cats.

You can only have ONE horizontal menu UNLESS the modify the exported code. Artisteer doesn;t do this in the software.

So piss off and RTFP!!!

True. You'll have to place the second vertical menu manually, and there are a couple ways of going about displaying categories.

This tutorial is designed for the default WordPress theme, but if you understand the concept, it'll get you most of the way there:

Otherwise, perhaps some kind soul will provide a more Artisteer-centric cut-paste-and-be-done-with-it way of doing this.

Posted: 4/8/2011
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Quote Richard:

Ah, the children have come out to play now.

Grow up and if you can't say anything constructive then don't say anything at all.

True. I mean, if he's gonna say asswipe, he could at least have spelled it out!


Posted: 4/8/2011
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And of course I meant HORIZONTAL. D'oh!


Posted: 8/25/2011
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It would be awesome if Artisteer could add another HORIZONTAL menu to Wordpress, and all other types of templates since this currently requires a lot of manuall "hacking" afterwards, meaning everytime you change the template you'll have to redo the 2nd menu as well.

And please, if before you say any BS like RTFM! did, read the request properly. Or go back to school and learn to RTTP (Read the Topic Properly). You only make a fool of yourself by giving advice which isn't relevant at all.