HTML and CSS Templates

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Posted: 3/19/2011
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I am considering buying Artisteer as I am new to Wordpress. I am used to designing my own html and css sites and templates. Is it possible to open a html and/or css template in Artisteer? To me this would be great as I have already designed many templates and would love to use them in WP.
Sleep Dead

Posted: 3/19/2011
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Yep, it is possible..
You just create your site, export it. And it will be all in your folder.


Posted: 3/20/2011
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No it's not possible. Artisteer only opens .artx files.

Posted: 3/20/2011
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Strange as it may seem both answers above are correct. You can access the html and css files of exported Artistseer created templates in Notepad or other 3rd party editors - see other threads.

However Artistseer cannot work with raw html or css files only .artx files, so templates created outside of Artistseer cannot be opened inside of Artistseer.

Posted: 3/20/2011
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No it's not "both answers are correct"
The question was:
Quote :
Is it possible to open a html and/or css template in Artisteer?
The answer is, as I said, NO.

Posted: 3/20/2011
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Unfortunately that's not the answer I was hoping for but even though Artisteer still looks like a great tool to ad to my collection!
Thank You for the help and answers
Mark C

Posted: 3/20/2011
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Just to add to what Dinsdale said, not alone can you NOT open a css/html page with Artisteer, you can NOT open a css/html page that was created with Artisteer with the programme either - you MUST have the original .artx file that created the css/html file for you.