Wordpress 3.0 with Artisteer version

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Hunter Gatherer

Posted: 9/4/2010
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I thought I would start a topic just to discuss how well the latest Artisteer version is working with Wordpess 3.0.

So...How's it going boys and girls?

Anything working well?

Any special problems?


Posted: 9/5/2010
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I just upgraded both WP to 3.01 and Artisteer Mac and, sorry to say, I've had problems. My wife has a graphic intensive site and after upgrading, the site loads very slow with Safari. It seems to work ok with Opera, Chrome, Firefox, and on a PC with IE8. When I switch back to a theme created with an older version, I don't have any problems. The first time I loaded the site with Safari, the header loaded, the left column load - all the way across the page! After about 15 seconds (way too long and the kiss of death for any web site), it loads everything in. I had my wife resize all her images she displays on the home page and reduce some of the clutter widgets. That helped, but this still leaves me scratching my head....

Posted: 9/6/2010
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My website doesn't show the header.jpg at all anymore and also the rss in the footer is not to be found.

All I've done is open my old version in artisteer and save it. Then I re-ftp to the website and this happens.

Posted: 9/6/2010
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Oh, also my menu is not right. It has the wrong colors for highlighting and drop downs.

Posted: 9/6/2010
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Same problem here...
For some reason website loads very slow and with old version it seems a lot quicker ? Strange

Posted: 9/7/2010
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Same problem here...
For some reason website loads very slow and with old version it seems a lot quicker ? my customers - with new tempates are not happy - need held !!!!
Larry Perry

Posted: 9/7/2010
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I can't say whether thi8s is a Wordpress or Artisteer problem but as of the new version/versions WP3.0 and/or Artisteer, I no longer seem to have control over the order of the horizontal menu.

It used to be that the plugin "pagemash" was a quick solution but it no longer works. So, I manually set page order on the Edit Pages area and it still does not display in the right the order.

Is anyone else experiencing this or have a solution? My customer owes me $1000 and I can't get them to send it until this bug is fixed and it's driving me nuts!

Posted: 9/10/2010
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@ Larry

Artisteer developers fixed the page order issue in latest update: http://www.artisteer.com/?p=news

Posted: 9/10/2010
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My 2 cents:

I like this new design because it does separate the php from the design code. For users who prefer editing appearance they don't have to muddle through the php, and vice versa.

I also like the config.ini, where one setting can accomplish what a few pages of coding used to. And I think with a bit of function tweaking this could become part of the WordPress admin where preferences can be set with a click. Currently, many WordPress users like being able to select their own header or change the background colour, but this has the potential for becoming an admin template control.

And with a bit of tweaking standard WordPress functions that seem to be missing can so far still be incorporated in themes, and those tweaks can become part of the Artisteer program itself.

Posted: 9/11/2010
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FYI, I am also experiencing significant load time delays with the new Artisteer themes. It takes 2 to 3 times as long to open my web pages, and I have super cache enabled.


Posted: 9/11/2010
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Looking at the 'reply' from Artisteer in this topic hey will be normalizing the theme, so a lot of issues may be short lived, and if they revert to a familiar structure, better advice can offered from the forums.


David :-D:-):-D

Posted: 9/11/2010
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I was wondering if those experiencing slow loads are also using cache plugins? I had tried a few different plugins and experienced slower loads, with the exception of Quick Cache.

Also, are the themes new installs or upgrades of existing themes? I ask this because one site where I didn't use an Artisteer theme had a theme update recently which sent a number of things out of whack.
Brett Bumeter

Posted: 9/12/2010
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In general, I'm not a fan of 2.5 in its current iteration and have rolled back to 2.4.x with the Toemon patch.

I use artisteer as a leap off tool and just can't work in the 2.5 environment with php css and html segregated the way it is. There are just too many standard WP culture tricks and best practices that have accumulated over the years to work with themes where the code is combined. Artisteer's new code structure may be more efficient and may be practical if they weren't rolling it out to a well established community, but that is not the case.

Things would be different if Artisteer provided any training or tutorials or documentation about their new format, but they do not and this has never really been something that Artisteer has provided. Its a business decision and I respect that, but a company can not expect its users to change their methodology without 1) a reason for the change and 2) instructuions on how to change.

I'm chalking this version up to a good idea, probably well coded and designed, but fundamentally flawed due to a lack of understanding of the end consumer. Fortunately, they don't have to do much work to get back on the path.

As to the speed issues, I have not personally experienced any speed problems with themes loading in 2.5, but I suspect that the central issue to 2.5 speed issues is a combination of Host server configuration + New Artisteer code.

Might work fine on one host or one server, but could blow up or bleed errors on another.

For those of you experiencing a slow down, WATCH your CPU's and look for the PHP errors under the hood or the hanging processes. A second possibility there could be a plugin conflict with the new 2.5 that some people are seeing because they are running a common but not universally used plugin.
Hunter gatherer

Posted: 9/12/2010
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Nice batch of comments guys and gals:


Nice work in that post David referred to above: http://www.artisteer.com/?post_id=143000&p=forum_post&forum_id=13


Do you really think they'll be turning around another build soon?



Posted: 11/27/2010
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Quote RobertSC:

I just upgraded both WP to 3.01 and Artisteer Mac and, sorry to say, I've had problems. My wife has a graphic intensive site and after upgrading, the site loads very slow with Safari. It seems to work ok with Opera, Chrome, Firefox, and on a PC with IE8. When I switch back to a theme created with an older version, I don't have any problems. The first time I loaded the site with Safari, the header loaded, the left column load - all the way across the page! After about 15 seconds (way too long and the kiss of death for any web site), it loads everything in. I had my wife resize all her images she displays on the home page and reduce some of the clutter widgets. That helped, but this still leaves me scratching my head....

If your using a Wordpress site you can speed things up by using the following plugins:


Get them here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/

give it a shot :-)


Posted: 11/27/2010
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My problem is with Opera visitors who visit my site: backlinksforseo.com

This NEEDS to be fixed!

Posted: 11/29/2010
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Your site is quite heavy but is loading just fine in latest Opera on my side.

Posted: 12/1/2010
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I like last update, it seems easy with everything, it works very well throw all browsers with both languages I use (basically Arabic and English)
but there are tow problems:
1- I still have the same problems with IE when I use it for Arabic sites, it looks crashed, also it does not support the direction from right to left in the main menu, also the drop down menu, its struggling with IS
Actually, there are many problems for Arabic menu in IE (8,9) :-/

2- This problem was not appear with previous editions of Artisteer: when I build Arabic sites, the header going little bit to left, and the right area comes white!

I hope these problems can be fixed :) thanks


Posted: 12/1/2010
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Quote Mutaz:

I like last update, it seems easy with everything, it works very well throw all browsers with both languages I use (basically Arabic and English)
but there are tow problems:
1- I still have the same problems with IE when I use it for Arabic sites, it looks crashed, also it does not support the direction from right to left in the main menu, also the drop down menu, its struggling with IS
Actually, there are many problems for Arabic menu in IE (8,9) :-/

2- This problem was not appear with previous editions of Artisteer: when I build Arabic sites, the header going little bit to left, and the right area comes white!

I hope these problems can be fixed :) thanks

I just attached tow photos to be clear :)


Posted: 12/5/2010
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I'm having terrible issues with changing my page order on sites. Pagemash doesn't work. Even the ability to change the order within the regular WordPress system (on each page) doesn't work.

I desperately need some help on this issue. The advice to follow http://www.artisteer.com/?p=news doesn't help, as THAT is the current version --and the one I'm working with.

Please HELP!!!!

Posted: 12/5/2010
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Are you using WP3 ?
If so, the new built in menu's are what you should use!
No plugins required and they give you full flexibility.
If you google 'wordpress 3 menu' you will find many articles on how to use them.


Posted: 12/8/2010
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@ Kim

The page order issue has been fixed in latest version, you should update your Artisteer installation to latest version(, you can download it from: http://www.artisteer.com/?p=news