Edit footer links

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Posted: 5/2/2010
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Hey all,

I'm currently using Artisteer for the Mac. Is there any way to edit the links in the footer within Artisteer?

Every time I export my theme, I then have to go back and edit the page.tpl.php manually to fix the footer

I'm using Drupal as my CMS.

I know the beta has some new features, Is this beta out for the mac yet?

Thank you
Michael Moore

Posted: 5/2/2010
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OK, I've found the mac version that has the new feature I was looking for (Flash in header) but still wondering about editing or being able to even remove the links with Artisteer

MIchael Moore

Posted: 5/2/2010
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Sorry, don' t been to flood with my post, but WOW! what a great feature: being able to put my own flash within the header without editing the code!

Much respect to the Artisteer team!
Ian Shere

Posted: 5/3/2010
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Quote Michael:

Hey all,

I'm currently using Artisteer for the Mac. Is there any way to edit the links in the footer within Artisteer?

Every time I export my theme, I then have to go back and edit the page.tpl.php manually to fix the footer

Are you talking about the link back to Artisteer? If so, have a look under options when you export your template. There's the option to remove that and add your own.
Sandra Rougier

Posted: 2/5/2011
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Hi Michael, did you find out how to remove these links in the footer. I am also using Artisteer on Mac and I can't get rid of them either.

Posted: 2/9/2011
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@ Sandra Rougier,

No Michael, but you can remove/edit "created by" footer links anytime from Export -> Export Options -> Footnote.

Otherwise you need to tell us what CMS you are using ?