Footer links don't appear (latest version)

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Posted: 3/19/2010
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Sorry for the flurry of posts -- trying to get this site up and running by the weekend.

The footer links do not show on this site: (have to include /home until I can figure out why it won't resolve to just the default domain URL).

Also, where do we edit the css for the the "Designed by 'url' (export options) text? It's tiny and hard to read.


Kelley Rao, Webeze


Posted: 3/19/2010
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Got the second part of the question figured out (just change the css info in footer.php).

Still stumped as to why Privacy and other links don't appear. Didn't test but hopefullly it's not connected to choosing "no" to back links to Artisteer and Word press.


Posted: 3/19/2010
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When you fill author URL and template URL in export options it'll start displaying i in footer. Make sure to add complete URL ( not only

Posted: 3/20/2010
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Had the same problem with complete footer and sidebar not showing when visiting a category page.

After several tests, left a support ticket and went back to version 2.3...
Kelley Rao

Posted: 3/20/2010
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It's as if it's just ignoring the footer.php include; probably an easy fix. I'll keep at it until they come out with an reply/fix.
Kelley Rao

Posted: 3/22/2010
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By accident I've seemed to stumble upon a solution using the latest version of Artisteer (which totally rocks!). Replace the # in the WP footer links with a live link and the links all suddenly appear.

Kelley Rao
Dave Porter

Posted: 3/22/2010
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Hi Kelley, do you mean with the RC release ?

cheers Dave
Kelley Rao

Posted: 3/22/2010
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Yes, Dave, I do.

Quote Dave Porter:

Hi Kelley, do you mean with the RC release ?

Posted: 4/1/2010
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I'm having the same problem with the new production release. The Contact, Privacy links and copyright info are missing.

The fix mentioned above of inputting a real link instead of '#' in the wp admin footer screen fixes it.

It would be nice if it was just fixed though.


Posted: 4/2/2010
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I have wasted almost two days trying to modify the footer. Used to be so easy - download footer.php and then easily change the links and add PHP code in Dreamweaver, then upload it back. Not so easy anymore.

Footer.php is now totally ignored. Instead of that Artisteer decided to hard-cod footer into function.php and CSS adding more headache than value. Hate to sound negative, but in their pursuit of adding more features, Artisteer made it by and large more complex than it is necessary. I am reverting to version 2.3
Artisteer, are you listening?

Posted: 4/5/2010
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Could you be clearer with the solution? I do not have a # in my footer.php file or my fucntions.php file.


Posted: 4/5/2010
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My 2.4 is working as expected so I am not sure what is happening with yours, the footer is showing up in admin > appearance > footer and I can edit and save the changes.

The footer default content can be found in functions.php about line 20:

The settings are saved only if changed as a WordPress option which is retrieved in code, so as a work around you can bypass Artisteer and edit the option if it is populated, if you had another theme and deleted the value in art_footer_content then it will return a blank.

Go to the admin page and change the url to /wp-admin/options.php
Look for art_footer_content edit the string and save.

@ Perry

Posted: 4/5/2010
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Admin > Appearance > Footer

You edit the # values and save the changes

Expensive Gadgets

Posted: 4/12/2010
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Quote @ Perry:

Admin > Appearance > Footer

You edit the # values and save the changes


this one should fix it all up.. don't go to the code to change it. you can see it on the dashboard and fix it all up there.. cheers!

Posted: 4/19/2010
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What about the footer hiding under the header.

I have created a couple of templates and the footer is not extending to the bottom of the page, it just sits under the header.

Any ideas?

Posted: 4/19/2010
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No sure I understand your question, a screenshot may be helpful.

Posted: 4/20/2010
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If you go to my website you can see what I mean.

You will see the footer is actually under the header. I have replaced the "#" 's with the actual links and no good.


Posted: 4/20/2010
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Footer is displaying on correct place on my side in Firefox. Are you referring to red strip that is displaying under menu ?

Posted: 4/21/2010
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I actually changed back to another template due to the issue. I will change it back so you can see what I am talking about.


Posted: 4/21/2010
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@ Doug

1- Did you copy pasted some content directly from MS Word, if yes try removing it.

2- Did you make some changes after exporting the theme from Artisteer, if yes try installing a fresh template just exported from Artisteer.

3- Try disabling the plugins if you have installed any.

Posted: 6/2/2010
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I have been on the hunt for this one for some time now...

...and I finally found the root of the problem (the little things I even miss as a life long student learning design.)

This is a browser issue with FireFox with the latest version of Artisteer v2.4.0

You can see a clear distinction by going to the footer of one of my live sites and switching over to another browser other than FireFox.


Thanks to everybody here for helping me find the solution!


Posted: 6/2/2010
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Sorry about that...

I was trying to use bbcode in here!

Here's my site so you can reference this error for yourself in the event that you have any problems like I did:


I repeat the footer links for Artisteer v2.4.0 do not display in the FireFox web browser!


Posted: 6/2/2010
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Quote JJ:

Sorry about that...

I was trying to use bbcode in here!

Here's my site so you can reference this error for yourself in the event that you have any problems like I did:


I repeat the footer links for Artisteer v2.4.0 do not display in the FireFox web browser!

Stand by on this.. I've got to look into this a little bit further, so disregard what I've already put out. I did make some changes in the code but it is not quite the solution for multiple browsers.

I'll be back!

Posted: 6/2/2010
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Ok guys... thanks to Expensive Gadgets for this one. I can fully confirm this on one of my brand new websites just previously launched using Artisteer v2.4.0

All I did was go to the WordPress Dashboard

> Click on Appearance down the left side panel

> Click on Footer

I re-saved the changes in the html box without making ANY changes and now the links display across multiple browsers; including FireFox.

Thanks to all who contributed to finding a solution to this problem!

JJ out!

Posted: 6/4/2010
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Thank you guys, I've been wanting to update my theme but could not for the life of me figure this out.