Back to Top Button

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Phoebe Jordan

Posted: 3/26/2010
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Okay I've seen some bloggers have a back to top button floating around the bottom right corner of the blog. I think it's great since I have a long blog with all the posts I display. I've tried the codes I've googled but nothing works with my blogger Artisteer template and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas.
Phoebe Jordan

Posted: 4/1/2010
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No body has any ideas?

Posted: 4/2/2010
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Have you every thought about limiting the number of post on the front page and indexing the posts for quick access? I hate those super long pages where you have to keep scrolling to see what it there. I only have the latest post on my blog and a quick link to all the others. This idea may not work on all sites but there may be some sort of logical indexing system you could use. is my blog.

Just a idea.

Posted: 4/9/2010
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You can read this post from my blog on how to add a back to top button. I love them. Even if you post just one or two posts per page, it's nice to be able to see all of the posts from a particular category for example, and have to keep hitting the "view more posts" button.