Joomla temp - watermarks removal

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Posted: 12/3/2009
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Hi guys,

Having trialled and purchased Artisteer last month, i discovered that a template i exported prior to registering is the best one i have come up with for my needs, so rather than "redesign the template, does anyone know how i can remove the watermarks from the exported joomla template zip file?
thank you

Posted: 12/3/2009
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You can't re-import exported templates.

If you didn't keep the .artx file you're out of luck there. But you'll still be able to recreate it 'by eye'. Slow process but better than nothing :-)

Posted: 12/3/2009
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Thanks Peter, i thought the same, but wanted to check just in case. i dint save the >artx because the disclaimer on this site says that the watermarks will be removed once registered and only when you delve deeper into the system does one find out that it means "try it, But buy it to use it" I have since made several templates successfully so i will just push on...

thank you :-)

Posted: 12/3/2009
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Yes, peter is right, you can open only .artx files in Artisteer

Posted: 12/6/2009
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While you can't reimport the exported file, you can recreate the size of the header, sheet color, background, etc and then simply use the new art to replace the old art in your "ideal" design.

Just remember to save a clean copy of your original somewhere safe, then unzip the "ideal" design so that the art folders and files are all available.. then create the new version (saving the artx file as you go) and export (as a folder) the new design and replace the art in the old "ideal" design folder with the art from the newly created version. At least this way you can get rid of the watermarks...

I actually did something similar with a zip file someone else created (who didn't have the artx file for their design).

Posted: 3/13/2010
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Frustrated. I did a purchase and it still gave me watermarks. how exactly did you recommend the steps you decribed Calsnoboarder ? can you just copy all of the css over to the new folder? something like that? :-{}
Dave Porter

Posted: 3/13/2010
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Hi Eric, If you are still getting watermarks are you sure you have entered your code correctly ?

There is not need to do any fiddling with css to get things working...

Get back to us with more info. Also a good idea to start a new thread with clear information on your issues ! This thread was started by someone else, so the info is a little clouded.

All the best, Dave


Posted: 3/13/2010
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Make sure you activated Artisteer, only purchasing license key doesn't work.