Google AJAX Translation Plugin does not work with Artisteer

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Posted: 9/22/2009
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The Google AJAX Translation Plugin uses AJAX and this does not work with Artisteer.

Is there a work around as this is a great plugin

Posted: 9/22/2009
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Please refer to following thread:

Posted: 9/22/2009
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Hi Garry
Interesting but not applicable to the issue I have raised here.

the site for the developer shows how it works

The issue is more an AJAX issue and not a menu translation issue

The plugin works greart in other themes but not at all in anything crreated with artisteer
Sci-Fi Si

Posted: 10/22/2009
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Yes indeed. The plugin author has done a great job with the WordPress plugin and it works perfectly with WordPress' default theme 'Kubrick'

So the issue lays squarely on the shoulders of Artisteer, however no problem is insumountable and at the moment I suspect that the Google AJAX Translate simply replaces the content of a div tag.

There might be issues with JQuery and I'm looking into it now to see if I can re-work the Artisteer templates.

I suspect the solution will be too lengthy to post here so I will post a solution on my blog here:

Sci-Fi Si

Posted: 10/22/2009
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Just reporting back and Yup! It's entirely Artisteer's problem. I don't blame them for it though as noone could have guessed that for this plugin template class names have to be specific.

It's works perfectly with the default template and now after a bit of template hacking I have my comments section working just fine with Artisteer templates.