Fluid Width

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Posted: 3/19/2009
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Definitely missing the fluid columns. Not all pages on websites use the same amount of columns. If you do not have modules published in those columns the other columns should be fluid and fill the width.

Tina has a great diagram above. I think some are not understanding what is being asked for.

Posted: 3/20/2009
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I would love to have the ability to create templates with fluid width, too.

And I'd like to be able to add blocks to the footer.

Posted: 3/22/2009
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I agree - this is a totally awesome product, but fluid width would greatly enhance the program.

I am not a programmer, so that's why I love this product so much.

If someone could post some sample CSS and where to put it - I am developing Drupal sites - would most appreciate it.

Marc Smith

Posted: 3/23/2009
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Here is a link to a site done in Artisteer, then modified to make it "fluid width"

It is good down to a size of 800x600

This took about two hours to do and involved edits to the style.css file. That is the ONLY file that required editing.

No telling how much of an issue some sidebar widgets might cause, but this is to show that it CAN be done with a little effort



Posted: 3/24/2009
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Another vote for fluid!

Posted: 4/7/2009
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I know that this is a bit old but I'd love to see the fluid width too. :-D
I just love Artisteer!

Posted: 4/10/2009
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Fluid width would be greatly appreciated. Also being able to set a max width in the css.


Posted: 4/11/2009
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Even if "Fluid" isnt a web standard, you should offer that as an option. It hasnt stopped me buying the product, its already great. But it would be greater with more options like fluid width and more layouts.

btw: http://www.allinone.ws/ isnt fluid, its fixed. Did they changed it ?

Best regards

Posted: 4/12/2009
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Another vote for fluid width columns, or at least for the articles/posts column.

Already purchased Artisteer and love it to quickly test ideas. Modifying the CSS is certainly possible the only option at this point in time but one can only ask for this feature to be added.

Thanks for the great work.

Posted: 4/14/2009
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Let's go fluid!
Dan Silver

Posted: 4/18/2009
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What a great product!
The only thing that I could see to make it better is fluid widths!
great job guys!
Dan Silver
<a href="http://www.silverhosting.us">Silver Website Hosting</a>


Posted: 4/23/2009
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Does fluid means setting width in percentage? If so then YES PLEASE, that would have saved half the time I spend in making the template.

I do know basic CSS and I tried modifying the code, but things went wrong, don't know why, if someone can explain exactly what modifications to do to style.css , it would be great
Lil' Chris

Posted: 5/4/2009
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I don't think fluid width is as important as being able to upload a background image that's say 120px in height and have it run along the top in full width. The same goes with the footer.

Currently 960 is a good size that encompasses most every screen setting, for content. Fluid width, for the whole site makes the design (the content portion) too unpredictable across too many browsers IMO.

So far this program (the trial) looks and operates impressively...
Rob Spierings

Posted: 5/11/2009
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Very good programm that would be even better with fluid widht !


Posted: 5/12/2009
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Me too...
Valics Lehel

Posted: 5/13/2009
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Same here, fluid needed ...
Jim Avery

Posted: 5/17/2009
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I almost bought Artisteer until I discovered that it doesn't have fluid width. This is definitely a must for me.

Does anyone know of any alternatives to Artisteer?

Posted: 5/18/2009
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Well, nothing else to say... just:
is a must
Brett Bumeter

Posted: 5/19/2009
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Quote Marc Smith:

Fluid widths, while nice, are not 'web standard' yet.

I cannot believe that this would an issue for people to NOT buy this product or even want to return it.

The newest version, to be released soon, supports ultra-wide (1500px I believe) pages.

For the most part, if you look at commercial sites or Fortune 500 sites, fluid width is never used, ever.

They build their sites based on what their web stats tell them is the lowest resolution that is being viewed, that way, the page looks the same for everyone, every single time.

And, if fluid widths are really needed, the CSS can be edited to accomodate the need.

I definitely would like to have a fluid width option. Not having it did not stop me from buying, but it would sure be a very good item and for many people I have referred to this product the lack of fluid width is a non-starter (very web 1.0 having fixed width).

Respectfully, this software does not compete with Fortune 500 companies which often spend WAY too much money on custom web design and when not created in flash, usually look relatively simple and outdated.

Many Many bloggers (who need the wordpress theme capability) do like fluid width very much.

To be more specific about my own wish, I'd like to have the ability to set a minimum width and have the theme stretch to fill a screen when that is an option. Ergo min width say of 800 pixels with fluid width to either infinity or maybe to max 1500 pixels.

Posted: 5/30/2009
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Quote Marc Smith:

Fluid widths, while nice, are not 'web standard' yet.
I cannot believe that this would an issue for people to NOT buy this product or even want to return it.

Are you kiddin? At least for me it is the reason.

Quote Marc Smith:

The newest version, to be released soon, supports ultra-wide (1500px I believe) pages.

For the most part, if you look at commercial sites or Fortune 500 sites, fluid width is never used, ever.

Because they do not have web designers but typesetters doing their pages....

Quote Marc Smith:

They build their sites based on what their web stats tell them is the lowest resolution that is being viewed, that way, the page looks the same for everyone, every single time.

As I said: Typesetters. Why not use QuarkXpress for designing Websites?

Quote Marc Smith:

And, if fluid widths are really needed, the CSS can be edited to accomodate the need.

So why not just add it to Aristeer?


Posted: 6/3/2009
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Another vote for fluid please - even if it's only the main content column

Posted: 6/5/2009
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I'm using Artisteer since march this year and it's a very nice piece of software, congrats!

But I'm missing fluid with as well, I think it's for Web 2.0 Standard as well as for barrier-free websites a MUST HAVE....

Appreciate implementation asap, thank You :-))

best regards from Germany


Posted: 6/7/2009
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Fluid width and more column layout flexibilities just like tina is suggesting. That would make this product priceless.

Posted: 6/10/2009
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fluid is good O:)
Ozzie Levesque

Posted: 6/11/2009
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Full width and fluid, that's about my biggest complaint.

I bought it and love it but that is one very tiny thing that would make a world of difference.

Thanks and keep up the hard work!

Maurice Milligan

Posted: 6/15/2009
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Another vote here for fluid!
I can see both sides here though - I design most sites for fixed width based on browser feedback available through stats.

But that's for business and sales sites - home users, bloggers and others really want fluid width and it would be nice to get it on a pulldown menu rather than having to plough through code.


Posted: 6/23/2009
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I vote for fluid :-)

Posted: 7/1/2009
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Yep, also in favor

Posted: 7/9/2009
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+1 waiting fluid functionnality

Posted: 7/9/2009
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Quote Marc Smith:

Fluid widths, while nice, are not 'web standard' yet.

this is not correct.
it would mean that a design is web standard or not.
however if the code generated produces a fluid design and w3c says the code is valid xhtml and valid css the site is constructed according webstandards.
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