how to make slider working only on homepage?

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Posted: 12/11/2013
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Is there anyway i make the slider to work only on the homepage and not all of the pages?


Posted: 12/11/2013
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Hi Vib...

I have acheived this by not using the slider... but by creating images of the right width say 960px x 250px in photoshop... and then just creating an image slideshow in a full width column box .. function is the same as slider but you can choose which pages to put it on... works well!

But I'd still like to know if you can choose which page slider appears too!

Hope this helps...


Posted: 12/13/2013
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I've solved this for Joomla by building a theme with slider, save, and disable slide, save.
One is "XYZ_home" and one is "XYZ_sub".
Then I installed both, made "XYZ_sub" to default theme and "XYZ_home" to custom theme for "Home" in the main menu. Works great.
Check my page for testing:
Shaul Hadar

Posted: 12/16/2013
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Hi , I think i have a good solution for this without making two themes.
If you are using the built-in artisteer slider, just configure it how you want, and than afterwards go to each page you don't want the slider to be in, and add in the page's properties, in the html code area, this code:

<style type="text/css">

this will effectively remove the slider from this specific page. Also, you won't see this working in artisteer, but if you do a preview, it will work.

I hope it helps :)

Posted: 12/16/2013
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1. I do agree with Jimmy 100%, but not just for Joomla, but for any cms, for many reasons, the most important is that with a third party plugin, I can edit and configure the slider and slides from the backsite. A must if you want to distribute your templates/themes.

2. I apply similar css technique as Shaul Hadar (I use Wordpress).

a. By css I turn off the slider, so at this point none of the pages display the slider.

b.By css I target the homepage (body.home), and turn the slider on, so now, only the homepage displays the slider.

c. To add the "icing on the cake", I added extra code to my functions.php file, so the slider can be also shown with a checkmark for any page/post. The checkmark, is in the edit page/post page.


Many employ php techniques instead of css, like a separate home page template, etc... If you do that, you lose the flexibility of step "c" above, but you can always a page template to display the slider in any page. However, and i'm not 100% on this, you can't have page templates for posts, so you can't have a complete solution like my css method.


Posted: 4/8/2014
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Quote Nick:

2. I apply similar css technique as Shaul Hadar (I use Wordpress).

a. By css I turn off the slider, so at this point none of the pages display the slider.

b.By css I target the homepage (body.home), and turn the slider on, so now, only the homepage displays the slider.

How you have turned off and on the slider?
What code you added to which files .css?

I use Joomla

Phyo Wai Zaw

Posted: 11/4/2014
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Quote vib:


I want to use Slider area only in home page. How can I that?



Posted: 11/5/2014
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@Phyo Wai Zaw

So is this for HTML, wordpress or joomla?

Let me give and example for HTML.(cms's are different!!)
In the css options of artisteer, File/export/options/css options
insert this:


The above will turn the slider off for all pages.
The go to the menu "Home" and right click and select properties.
Then select additional HTML
insert this:

<style type="text/css">
display:block !important;

Here is an example:

Posted: 4/3/2015
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Quote Shaul Hadar:

Hi , I think i have a good solution for this without making two themes.
If you are using the built-in artisteer slider, just configure it how you want, and than afterwards go to each page you don't want the slider to be in, and add in the page's properties, in the html code area, this code:

<style type="text/css">

this will effectively remove the slider from this specific page. Also, you won't see this working in artisteer, but if you do a preview, it will work.

I hope it helps :)

Thank you!!! It worked for me.

Posted: 6/7/2015
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Hi, I use drupal.
Exuse me, but why the slider is not the other content that have to be imported?
Anyway is there a way to make slider a block?

Posted: 6/12/2015
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Quote Julio:

Quote Shaul Hadar:

Hi , I think i have a good solution for this without making two themes.
If you are using the built-in artisteer slider, just configure it how you want, and than afterwards go to each page you don't want the slider to be in, and add in the page's properties, in the html code area, this code:

<style type="text/css">

this will effectively remove the slider from this specific page. Also, you won't see this working in artisteer, but if you do a preview, it will work.

I hope it helps :)

Thank you!!! It worked for me.

Me too. Thanks so much!!

Ganea Daniel

Posted: 3/29/2016
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I want to know how to add a specific slider, from lets say Master Slider ... which is highly customizable and my clients can use it to and obviously to show only on specific pages.
Or alternatively if someone can point me to what code to find in order to put the slider under the menu that could help me greatly.
I am using artisteer

Posted: 5/20/2016
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Quote vib:


Is there anyway i make the slider to work only on the homepage and not all of the pages?


hi, ive opened in Dreamweaver CC and manually deleted the slider code from each page, it works perfect in both, responsive and web!


Posted: 5/20/2016
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Quote Ganea Daniel:

I want to know how to add a specific slider, from lets say Master Slider ... which is highly customizable and my clients can use it to and obviously to show only on specific pages.
Or alternatively if someone can point me to what code to find in order to put the slider under the menu that could help me greatly.
I am using artisteer

8-) just delete the slider manually, im using dreamweaver cc and it works perfec, delete all the slider code from each page you dont want to appear, i works perfect on mobile and web view

Posted: 8/16/2016
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heres an example with video tutorial :)

Quote Izzy:

Quote Ganea Daniel:

I want to know how to add a specific slider, from lets say Master Slider ... which is highly customizable and my clients can use it to and obviously to show only on specific pages.
Or alternatively if someone can point me to what code to find in order to put the slider under the menu that could help me greatly.
I am using artisteer

8-) just delete the slider manually, im using dreamweaver cc and it works perfec, delete all the slider code from each page you dont want to appear, i works perfect on mobile and web view


Posted: 1/23/2017
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<?php if (is_front_page() ) : ?>

'code for Slider'

<?php endif ?>

Randy Meyer

Posted: 9/26/2017
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Quote Shaul Hadar:

Hi , I think i have a good solution for this without making two themes.
If you are using the built-in artisteer slider, just configure it how you want, and than afterwards go to each page you don't want the slider to be in, and add in the page's properties, in the html code area, this code:

<style type="text/css">

this will effectively remove the slider from this specific page. Also, you won't see this working in artisteer, but if you do a preview, it will work.

I hope it helps :)

That worked great and is a really simple solution.
Aleks Shamles

Posted: 5/5/2022
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