Multiple Page Templates - Website Template

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Posted: 10/11/2012
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If you export to Wordpress, you have the option in Wordpress to hide and unhide columns for individual pages. So if you create a 3 column theme with AS, you can have 3, 2, and 1 page layouts within Wordpress!

Similarly, you can choose to hide the header, etc etc

I don't know if the same applies to other cms?

Posted: 10/31/2012
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+1 here...its great to be able to add and remove columns but sometimes you need more control and create a new page template for different pages and put in PHP code into the template directly.

Why would they remove this feature in 4.0....that was the most important feature in 3.0

Posted: 1/6/2013
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I have attached an Image showing the option which all designers expects this.

Posted: 1/10/2013
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Please can we have a Prestashop template generator,?
You guys have created a great product, Many Thanks.

Posted: 1/22/2013
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Quote chan:

+1 here...its great to be able to add and remove columns but sometimes you need more control and create a new page template for different pages and put in PHP code into the template directly.

Why would they remove this feature in 4.0....that was the most important feature in 3.0

I must confess that I thought this product would allow the creation of themes with multiple page and post layouts. That's the main reason that I've just bought it. Clearly I didn't do enough research first :(

I'm not sure if you can achieve the same thing by multiple projects and copying parts of the the output into a page-templates folder of the theme in Wordpress. It's a bit messy but it might work. I'll see what happens. Failing that, does anyone have any other suggestions?

One other thing that I have noticed is that once you've activated your exported theme in WP, when you create posts you can choose from three formats for the post (Standard, Aside and Gallery) but only standard and gallery posts show up on the new Blog page. I'm not sure if this is my finger trouble or a bug. I'll check the forum to see if anyone else has had the same problem..

It's early days for me with this product (bought it yesterday) but apart from the above, it looks a great product.


Posted: 2/7/2013
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this should be a MUSTTTTTTTTT! listen to Ramakrishnan please.

Posted: 2/28/2013
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He's right, This would be enormously useful.

Posted: 3/22/2013
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At Wordpress you can use plugin Page Template. It should work and you can create different themes for different pages.

Posted: 4/3/2013
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Very disappointed that there is not an option for multiple page templates within a website template. I can see that it makes more sense to have one page design for a BLOG, but it doesn't make any sense to not offer the option for .html file websites. So many of us design a home page, and then subsequent other web pages that may have similar but different looks. Very unhappy, as this is exactly what I bought it to do. If I construct different templates for different pages, and export, I can only imagine the nightmare it will be to make sure the .css files are going to work for each page. :(

Posted: 4/3/2013
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debohf12 - it does make sense to have more than one page design for a blog type page,. Fir example, the website may have a "blog" section, a "news" section and a "projects" section, all of which are actually blog pages. In Wordpress I would probably create a new texonomy for each of these, and want a separate structural design for each. By this I mean the project section might take more of a product catalog approach in appearance in tabular form.
The overall graphic design of the header, footer etc would be consistent with the overall website.

Posted: 4/8/2013
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I am new to all this web building, doing it cos fed being held to ransom for a few changes to my sites, I am reviewing products around Wordpress and just trying to get my head round everything ..

I really liked Artisteer when I saw the demo(s) then tried the Demo product and realised you could not have multiple designs on different pages to me this makes no sense, why would even build a product that does not have that option. Looks like Headway does it all that and more but not as pretty and as WSIWYG Artisteer.. Real shame ......... come on guys sort it out.. can't be that difficult.. so only one issue but I think it will stop me buying it


Posted: 5/1/2013
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Posted: 5/2/2013
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Oh my god, YES PLEASE.

Creating a theme for clients, we can't anticipate how often pages will or won't need to be full-width (for instance) vs. the default 2-3 column design. It's just not user friendly for them to have to learn how to find the page/post id's and manually enter those in to be excluded from every sidebar widget!

That's the kind of thing they want and expect *us* to be able to easily set up for them with multiple templates to choose from.

Posted: 6/10/2013
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Posted: 9/11/2013
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Just bought the program, jumped into my first project to discover this problem. +1 to the thread... This lack of functionality is a game-ender for me, meaning that I'll have to abandon an Artisteer workflow on this one. Not cool! :-<

Posted: 9/13/2013
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I am looking for that feature too. It's not there... makes my job much harder and less productive when I have to cut and paste the csssssss from different templates.
hugh boner

Posted: 11/17/2013
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this seems crazy that you cant make diff page templates. cant believe this

take my 100 bucks and make this a feature in 4.4 pls
Albert Tosh

Posted: 11/24/2013
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This is a must feature! Please make it in the next update, it will be an amazing edition to what artisteer can do :) THanks!!

Posted: 11/30/2013
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Dont want to offend someone here, but have to ask and say.

" multiple page layouts within the same website template" means a lot and you are already in the field of full blooded CMS.

Second, why do you insist on this ? Wordpress imitating (used as) static web page(s) is fast as lightning.
If client insist on static HTML web page, then simply dont give him login to admin panel and he gets what he want.

Posted: 12/19/2013
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Quote Scott Hammontree:

Quote Ramakrishnan:

I have attached an Image showing the option which all designers expects this.

OMG, I cannot believe this option is gone. Please, bring it back.

True, I spent the entire day looking for an alternative in order to obtain something similar.
I don't want the columns on the Home page but I want it on other article pages, does anyone have an alternative? My platform is Blogger.
And it would be great to have it again on the next update.
Artisteer Team

Posted: 12/24/2013
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Hello dear forum members,

Thank you for the suggestion. Please note that the image above is just an illustration of what one forum member has suggested, and this option has never been present in the older versions -- so it is not gone in the newer ones.
The option is very CMS-dependent indeed, as the sidebars content is implemented the different way for different CMS's. However we have added it to our Wishlist for possible implementation in the future versions, if there is a possible way to do this.

At the moment, there is a possibility to enable or disable the default sidebar for the different pages for Wordpress (see Creating different Pages Layout section):

Uniom, please note that this functionality cannot be implemented for the Blogger templates anyway as Blogger doesn't support different layout styles for different posts or pages.

Posted: 5/25/2014
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no one cars about blogger templates...wordpress has moved on from that a long time ago. It is now considered a fully functioning website content management system. Content management is not blogging!

To say that what people here are asking "may or may not be possible" is ridiculous!

If the creator of the 3rd party Addon plugin for this program (called Templateer) can do what people here are asking for...why on earth are you unable to do it yourselves? buy the rights to lease the Templateer code or something for goodness sake!:-(

In addition to that there are a number of other web development programs that do it and have done it for a number of years (adobe dreamweaver being one of them). It cant be that difficult...and the money you are losing by not providing that functionality would have to be huge (in statistical terms)....very very stupid error in judgement if you ask me!

Posted: 1/2/2015
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Was this ever implemented or dealt with? I would find it extremely helpful. What use are the "pages" for then? I can't seem to figure out how to use them in Joomla.

Posted: 2/3/2015
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Quote Wade:

Was this ever implemented or dealt with? I would find it extremely helpful. What use are the "pages" for then? I can't seem to figure out how to use them in Joomla.

Check out cme's response here:

It is a clever work-around. It requires that you have very basic knowledge of html/css.

Posted: 3/25/2015
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Quote adam:

If the creator of the 3rd party Addon plugin for this program (called Templateer) can do what people here are asking for...why on earth are you unable to do it yourselves? buy the rights to lease the Templateer code or something for goodness sake!:-(

I WISH!!!!
It looks like Templateer has stopped development, and it is by far the best feature add-on for artisteer...
I use it on Every site I do & the ONLY reason I have let my subscription lapse is because they havent done anything to show they are even still working on the project...

IMHO Artisteer should buy the final code from Templateer
add in Woocommerce support
add in Custom Branding / Private Labeling
and a couple other features people have been Begging for
and then have a Professional Edition!
I would gladly pay $160 to Artisteer for a fully integrated version!

Posted: 4/9/2015
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They just implemented custom Page, Post, Archive templates in Themler. All by WordPress Book and Codex.

Jump to the bandwagon and vote for new featured there on Themler forum.

I know it is topic about static html, just using it to tell you the NEWS.
Bob Williamson

Posted: 6/30/2015
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Yes guys, this is a biggy. I really would like Artisteer to go the extra mile and provide the functionality referred to in this thread.

If you cant do it perhaps you could tell us where to find the header file, then we could use WP to have a different header for each page. All we need is two projects with the different headers. Upload both, activate the main one then in WP page choose the second header

Posted: 8/26/2015
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Quote Ramakrishnan:

I have attached an Image showing the option which all designers expects this.

William Valencia

Posted: 12/18/2015
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Please include multi pages with different layouts. Subpages most of the time are not meant to look like the main page.

Quote Ramakrishnan:

I have attached an Image showing the option which all designers expects this.