JCE Editor shows template background

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Posted: 7/9/2009
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With Joomla the popular JCE Editor shows the template background in the editor window. That should not be happening.

Any ideas for a fix?

Posted: 7/9/2009
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That can be easily changed. Go to JCE configuration and set use css template to no.

Posted: 7/9/2009
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That did it. Thanks. :-)

Posted: 7/9/2009
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Go to JCE Config in formatting: Use template CSS, Set to NO, you will get your white background back in article creation

Posted: 8/7/2009
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Exactly what i had, thxs guys

Posted: 10/18/2009
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That's not really a fix, that's a bandaid for the actual problem.

The use template CSS has the editor use the actual CSS used in the site, so you can actually WYSIWYG edit based on the actual style. The problem is why is the background showing up in the wrong place in the first place, and how do you solve it from not doing so for the editor?

It seems to only happen when fully using JCE, not with TinyMCE by itself.


Posted: 10/19/2009
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Artisteer templates has editor.css where you can change background to your liking.

Posted: 10/19/2009
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It is a JCE issue not Artisteer. JCE has been doing this with backgrounds for as long as I have used JCE - which is many years.

Posted: 10/19/2009
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In the JCE Administration>configuration>formatting...set the "editor content class" to high contrast. Works like a charm.

Posted: 11/13/2009
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Thanx Sidney.

That did the trick. Now I can use the template without the dark background i often use.

Posted: 11/18/2009
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All you have to do really is change the tempate CSS to no..... and in the custom css file field, have it point to the editor.css file that artisteer creates.

Posted: 6/28/2010
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Quote Sidney:

In the JCE Administration>configuration>formatting...set the "editor content class" to high contrast. Works like a charm.

I've got "use template css" set to "yes" and modified the jce custom css location to match the artisteer export (although obviously this now has no effect).

I found setting the high contrast option the only viable one.

The rest are clumsy and leave you without your template styles (as the Artisteer editor.css file doesn't seem to contain these).

Posted: 6/30/2010
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Angus, thanks - just the job!

Posted: 6/30/2010
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This is for the latest JCE - 07 JUN 2010

1) Components > JCE Administration > Configuration > Formatting > Use Template CSS = set to No

... and then change this:

Custom CSS file: templates/$template/css/content_editor.css

... to this:

Custom CSS file: templates/$template/css/editor.css
(basically, remove content_)

Save :)


Artisteer creates the editor.css file, located in the template's CSS folder; open it to edit the following to suit your needs:

margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
background-color: #D5D9D4; <<< change to #FFFFFF for an all-white background
margin-left: 10px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 14px;
color: #000000; <<< this is black for the TEXT color

Save the file and edit away :)

Posted: 1/30/2011
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With Artisteer v3.0.0.35414, the file editor.css does not exist any more. A file template.css is probably the replacement.

so with this version you have to do the following:

1) Components > JCE Administration > Configuration > Formatting > Use Template CSS = set to No

... and then change this:

Custom CSS file: templates/$template/css/content_editor.css

... to this:

Custom CSS file: templates/$template/css/template.css

Save :)

open the template.css file and edit it to the following to suit your needs:

margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
background-color: #D5D9D4; <<< change to #FFFFFF for an all-white background
margin-left: 10px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 14px;
color: #000000; <<< this is black for the TEXT color

Save the file and edit away :)


Posted: 7/9/2011
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Quote Eric:

That's not really a fix, that's a band-aid for the actual problem. . . .

It seems to only happen when fully using JCE, not with TinyMCE by itself.

Agreed about JCE. TinyMCE does not have this problem. JCE should fix this. I've gone back to TinyMCE. Also, one can paste a Word doc into TinyMCE, and render perfectly.

fred heather

Posted: 4/7/2014
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I am using Artisteer 4, all the comments are about the old version, I am still seeing this problem. I have a dark back ground on my site with white font, I go to edit an article and unlike the tTinyMCEr where I see my background wall paper from Artisteer, instead I see white, and with the white font I see nothing. The comments above say to put the template to "No", that does not exist with Joomla 3.2. My choices are default, custom or template. What can be done to see the artisteer background. Please provide an updated solution

Posted: 4/8/2014
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My solution has always been:
JCE Editor > Global Configuration > Editor Styles : Custom CSS Files
Custom CSS Files : templates/YOURTEMPLATE/css/editor.css

Template Manager > editor.css
body {
background: #FFFFF;

That does it for me

Posted: 4/11/2014
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I hated JCE for that reason (among others). I like JCK editor better..

Posted: 5/30/2014
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;-) It is not the editors it is Artisteers code - I don't have this issue with any other templates - just artisteer.
Artisteer Team

Posted: 6/2/2014
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Suki, as mentioned, there is an option in each editor, whether to reflect the template css in editing mode. It looks like currently it is set to display styles from Artisteer template.css file. You can change this. Please go to Joomla Administration -> Components -> JCE Editor -> Editor Global Configuration, open the "Formatting and Display" section:
1. Set Editor Styles to Default (and NOT template.css);
2.You may also need to change "Reset Editor Styling" to No.
Save configuration. No background should be present when editing articles, after this.

Posted: 6/2/2014
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Quote Antonina:

Suki, as mentioned, there is an option in each editor, whether to reflect the template css in editing mode. It looks like currently it is set to display styles from Artisteer template.css file. You can change this. Please go to Joomla Administration -> Components -> JCE Editor -> Editor Global Configuration, open the "Formatting and Display" section:
1. Set Editor Styles to Default (and NOT template.css);
2.You may also need to change "Reset Editor Styling" to No.
Save configuration. No background should be present when editing articles, after this.

I am having the same problem here. I don't know whose problem it is (artisteer template or JCE) but it you choose 'not to use template.css' we loose all the styles when creating an article.
The truth is that the background image is OK, but somehow we should see the 'article background' over it.
For example, in my template I have a dark image as the site background, and a white transparency as content background, so I write with black letters.
If I open an article I get only the dark image background (not the white transparency thing) so if I write with black characters I barely cannot see anything.
Any tips on how to make the background of the article appear?