Site doesn't look like template....

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Posted: 10/3/2013
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I have site but it doesn't look like the Artisteer file and I'm not sure how come. The file and template can be found here:
I've done other sites and it's worked ok (all the sites on the links page) but this time I'm having issues...
I don't want to import content, just the template... BUT the background for the content/article isn't the right colour.... it's meant to be translucent white with black text but it's no background with white text... I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong...

Posted: 10/3/2013
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I just forgot to say I'm simply linking Menu Item to a Single Article...
Thanks, Kyle.

Posted: 10/3/2013
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Your content background color is set to full transparent. Not the sheet...the content.

Select Content>Shape>Fill>and then 'More Colors...' at the bottom. This is where the transparency setting is located. Select a white color and set transparency to 50%.

Posted: 10/4/2013
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Hi lsmcswain,
Thank you very much for your help.
It worked great :)