HTML5 and CSS3 Support - Drupal / Wordpress?

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Posted: 7/17/2012
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Very glad to see some innovation - i almost gave up on Artisteer (BTW a find a 2011 copyright on your website a bad sign :). I've been frustrated with previous version when trying to modify code. I see a new feature listed:
HTML5 and CSS3 Support
Artisteer now supports the latest evolution in standards for cleaner and more responsive designs. You can add
your own rich user experiences, such as animations, directly in Artisteer.

Will that work with Drupal ./ WP - can I add custom code to template, then generate code rather than modify code generated?

Posted: 7/17/2012
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Although I did not fully tested that part yet, that is exactly what they are implying. Adding custom code to template rather than modifying the generated code.

The term that they use "responsive design" is very misleading. We all know what "responsive design" means, and clearly the templates are not responsive. It is not a lie wither, but a misrepresentation and a stretch. I think they chose the phrase on purpose for marketing purposes...

Posted: 7/17/2012
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Yes - I agree that is definitely not the best wording. I understand that is what they are trying to do, but it appears as thought it is only supported when generating HTML - mind you I wish they wouldn't focus on that feature - I doubt people use this product without a CMS.

Posted: 7/17/2012
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I don't think that it is supported even for the html sites. I wish I'm wrong here, and please someone set the record straight and prove me wrong. I want to be wrong in this case...

Posted: 7/18/2012
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I haven't tested this yet either, but I can see where you can edit the html and modify or add to the source code.

And you can also add to the CSS.

It might be a while before I test these, but it would be nice to have someone post if they have tested this.


Posted: 7/18/2012
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I created a Site WITH Content in Joomla, exported ist, then checked ist in The validator. Resultat: "checked as html5".
No error. Only 1small warning. I like!

Posted: 7/20/2012
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Quote sonicthoughts:

I doubt people use this product without a CMS.

Hi, I use this for websites all the time, later when clients want something more, I use the same design for wordpress, lets not forget that we are dealing with html here :-)