Artisteer don't save any project

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Posted: 9/19/2011
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Quote Adeptris:

Hi John and others, saves just fine for most of us, so it might be better to help out the developers and give a few details.

Lets find the common link with the non saving systems.

Anyone with this issue please add:
32bit or 64bit
Version of Windows.

Mine is fine on:
32bit & Vista Home Premium
32bit & XP Pro


Jr. not saving on
windows 7 64bit


Posted: 9/20/2011
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Artisteer always answers the support questions, just send them an email with your customer info and they will help, all other pirates here will be ignored 8-)

Posted: 10/13/2011
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Quote Mariusz:

I downloaded Artisteer and it has problem with save any project...
When I try to save I have the message that "please contact support"


Posted: 10/14/2011
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That kind of problems come when your application is not registered. Please activate it with the license key and if the issue continues then please contact support.

Posted: 10/14/2011
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I have the same problem and yes, I have a licensed version. Everytime I save I get an email message saying I should contact support.

Plus, this week I upgraded to Artiseer 3 (I have a year of free upgrades till april) and with whenever I open my previous projects from Artisteer 2, I lose my formatted template?? I don't want to start from scratch...

And seriously, I did pay for my license. :)

Posted: 10/14/2011
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Artisteer support fixed the issue of "Belle":

Posted: 12/15/2011
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I downloaded Artisteer and it has problem with save any project...
When I try to save I have the message that "please contact support"

Posted: 12/15/2011
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...and did you?

Posted: 12/15/2011
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Trial version doesn't have option to save projects as .artx but you'll be able to save and open your projects without any issue after activation.

Lyon Victor

Posted: 2/29/2012
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Into version 3.1 not working the save or export option.
My Configuration: W7, 64 bts,


Posted: 3/2/2012
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hi.. this is very good site here you can find answers of lots of questions.
Graphics depends on hardware and software both.

[url=]Web Designer[/url]

Posted: 3/2/2012
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I have a question about all this: I have version 2.2 and have been considering purchasing the upgrade to the most current version. What is the state of this working okay or not? Also, is there any way to find out how the current version is different from the 2.2 version? I've used 2.2 for a while to make several nice WordPress and HTML sites--but I'm worried about upgrading if there are issues with its release. If I can handle version 2.2 well, how different is the current version and is there a needed learning curve and/or any info on the current release and if there are any glitches?

Posted: 3/4/2012
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I am not aware of any issues related to new versions and there is no steep learning curve.

New Features:
Upgrade page:
Ibrahim Wahdan

Posted: 11/30/2012
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Quote Mariusz:

I downloaded Artisteer and it has problem with save any project...
When I try to save I have the message that "please contact support"


Posted: 12/2/2012
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@ Ibrahim Wahdan

Make sure you have downloaded Artisteer from following page:
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