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Posted: 3/15/2011
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Hallo Leute!
Weiß jemand, wo ich DIESES Forum herbekomm? Es ist so schlicht und einfach, das gefällt. Würde es gerne auf meine Seite einbauen.

Danke euch für eure Antworten!

Posted: 3/15/2011
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Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.

Posted: 3/15/2011
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Dinsdale do you usually acts like that on everybodys post? lol
just use google translator :P

Here mate, have a look

Hello people!
Does anyone know where I come austere THIS forum? It's as plain and simple, I like. Would like to install it on my page.

Thank you for your answers!

Posted: 3/15/2011
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Yeah, I'd already done that - just to check that my knowledge of German wasn't letting me down. It wasn't.

Why on earth someone would want to install this heap of Wombat doo doo's on their site is beyond me.

Posted: 3/15/2011
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@Dinsdale. Why do you feel obliged to answer to a question, when you have nothing relevant to add? If someone likes this forum - and why shouldn't he - it's not your business to judge.
If you cannot add anything of value, then why don't you just stick your head up your wombat's ass?

Posted: 3/16/2011
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Well, because someone asked a relevant question that you obviously can't or won't answer. Then why not let people who might be able to help Jary do so? Your "hoho"'s does not help anyone except for your own ego. If I am insulting, then what do you think that you are yourself?
There might not be any rules here except the ones that intelligent people make up themselves in order to not look stupid.
By the way, are you sure that you know the meaning of the word "rhetorical"?

Posted: 3/16/2011
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Thank you for electing yourself as judge, jury and executioner. Just what the world needs; another despot.

Posted: 3/16/2011
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1 - 0 Dinsdale

Posted: 3/16/2011
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Maybe you should read this thread again and then consider who it is that acts as judge, jury and executioner. In my opininion you are the only despot here.
To me, this is not about judging at all. I am just wondering why you feel this strong urge to act so fiercely to put everybody down. I find your reactions insensitive and childish. But clearly you really need to boost your ego. Don't you think that these characteristics are what makes a great despot?.
I have stated my views, andI will rest my case here. As we have free speech, I guess that nothing's going to hold you back - but I have other, more important things to do.


Posted: 3/17/2011
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Bet your case won't rest there.