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Posted: 3/2/2011
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hello i just came up with something .. i make templates and often changes the color font and stuff after i uploaded them.. but that is heavy process, i mean when i'm over changing what i want , i have to save, then open up my ftp software then upload. so i was thinking why cant i just upload my template directly from artisteer... when i used to make websites in html in the days some softwares had that function. can it be set up in artisteer.

that would be a gain of time...
thanks in advance

Posted: 3/3/2011
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Artisteer 3.0 beta have inbuilt FTP

Posted: 3/4/2011
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i'm using artisteer 3
can ut ell me were that is cause i cant see it

Posted: 3/5/2011
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There is no FTP in V3.

Posted: 3/5/2011
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There is a built in FTP within Artisteer, but only for the static Web Sites or blogs. If you are creating templates for anything else, for example Wordpress, Joomla, etc... you are out of luck.

Just go to Export options -> FTP Server. You know what to do next.

Posted: 3/6/2011
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My bad - I've never used that option. You learn something new every day.