Vertical menus

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Posted: 2/17/2011
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I have a site that runs Joomla 1.5.2 and have created a template in Artisteer 3. I want use vertical menus on the left side. Displaying the menus correctly is no problem. I do, however, have one issue I can't figure out.

In the top menu, a horizontal menu, I have defined all the submenu items. In the vertical menus I use alias to point to the correct submenu item in the top menu. I do not want the top menu to display submenu items.

However, when a menu item in the vertical menu is clicked it won't highlight the menu item currently choosen. I get the change in color when hovering the menu items, but not when the items are selected.

I am not sure wheter this is really a Artisteer issue or wheter its something in Joomla that doesn't make this possible.

Posted: 2/17/2011
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It's a Joomla! issue it appears. You can go to the Joomla forums for help with that. With that really should set up your vertical menu and your horizontal menus as separate menus (as if the other didn't exist). You also may want to upgrade your Joomla! to 1.5.22. You may be running into compatability issues....

Posted: 2/18/2011
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I have thought about setting the vertical menus up as separate menus. I'm not sure how to achieve, or if it is at all possible, what I want my menus to do.

This is probably not the right forum to post this, but I will try anyway :-)

As I said I have one top menu with several items.
I have one item called Products. When the items Products is clicked a vertical menu appears on the left side. This menu contains several items. When one of the items in the vertical menu is clicked I still want the Product item in the top menu to be active. This is the reason I set up the top menu and the vertical menus the way I did.
There might be another way to achieve this, but I do not know how.

Posted: 2/27/2011
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I am having the exact same problem. I am running Joomla 1.5.21.

I have my menus set up in the same manner as you and like the top menu tab to bring up a side menu. The top menu tap changes back to the base color once an item on the side menu tab is clicked. I want the top menu tab to remain the active color.

I have not been able to find a solution to this problem, and find it very annoying. I will do some more searching and post again on this forum if I find a solution.

Posted: 2/28/2011
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I have found the solution. The link below tells how to solve it. Basically you have to think in terms of having the vertical side menu become a sub-menu of the top menu and then it works. (Change the individual menus to become sub-menus of the top menu) Then follow the directions on this link and you will solve your problem. It solved mine!

Posted: 3/1/2011
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This is great!
It will be a complicated set of menus and sub-menus, but it will look the way I wanted it too.

Thanks a bunch :-)

Posted: 3/4/2011
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Knut, can you tell me if you solved the problem you had with the menu.
Does the first menu button stays on active when sub menu items are activated?
