Impossible to use image at its real size

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Posted: 2/12/2010
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Creating a wordpress template, I'm trying to insert in a header a file I have on my computer but I can't choose the size.

Everything is inactive except the option to resize the image to the size of the header :-( even if I resize the image to fit in the space of the header, the program changes the size to the size of the header :-(

Why's that?

I tried to save the image as .gif, as .jpg and as .png but nothing changes.

What can I do?

[I use the last version of Artisteer - Home & Academic Edition]

Posted: 2/18/2010
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Quote Garry:

You can resize your image outside of Artisteer using a software like Gimp it is free.

Not the point, why have an option that is permanently greyed out. I have been playing around with a view to buying the product and noticed this irratation. The manual states it should work why doesn't it?

Posted: 2/28/2010
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I agree. This is a problem for me as well. I have to have a separate tool open to make changes to the header. I bought Artisteer because it was supposedly comprehensive. Having features disabled with no explanation and for no apparent reason is not what I signed up for.

Posted: 1/6/2011
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Has anyone solved this problem. I am trying to insert an image into the header and the only option I have is Resize image to header. I dont want to do that, but I dont have any other option to select as they are all greyed out. I want to leave the image to the size I have specified (outside of Artisteer). But with this option it always resizes the image.

I assume it's something simple I've missed, can anyone help? I am running the standard version.

Posted: 2/5/2011
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I also have this problem! This must be a bug. I have Artisteer standard version and surprisingly cannot insert the header image at its original size - the program can only stretch it to the header size and the "original size" option is grayed out.

Unacceptable, taking to account the high cost of Artisteer! If you have a plain simple header, no background or gradient, then a work around might be add a border to your header image in a graphics editing software.

I will definitely not recommend Artisteer to anyone!