2.3 RC5 Blocks Problem

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Christopher Powers

Posted: 2/19/2010
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I am having the same problems with my Joomla templates... I've had problems from version to version but this totally BROKE the sidebar blocks completely and made them unusable...


p.s. I am also having MANY other problems, this version totally destroyed my capability to use it and I'm usually the last one to complain about these things...

Posted: 2/19/2010
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This is probably the worst version yet. This makes any template unusable.

Does anyone have the older version. I tried downloading it from the news section, but it will always give you the new version so matter which one you pick.

Posted: 2/20/2010
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I have the mac version and as soon as i updated to the new version the blocks were all messed up and on top of each other and everything including articles were off. I use this alot and this has really put me behind in my work.

Posted: 2/20/2010
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i have spent this entire day, wondering what in the world did I do wrong when uploading into WP. I also have a Mac, and I just purchased this stupid program... I hope they are not as slow as APPLE when it comes to fixing the issues. This is crazy. Everything over to the left side. I am so disappointed. Has this program ever worked for the Mac? I have a dead line. Do any of you have any idea, just how long this can take, or time frame? Hope it is fast!!! Julie
Mark C

Posted: 2/21/2010
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The same is happening for me (though I've only been trying to use a right sidebar) in Drupal.

I've sent a support ticket the team, but have not received a reply yet.

That's WP, Joomla, and Drupal not working.

Posted: 2/21/2010
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I found a link to the previous RC4 build here for anyone who wants to revert back:


Note that templates saved with the newer RC4 cause an exception when opened with RC3. I got around this by editing the version # in my .artx file.

To do this, unzip the artx file to a temporary folder (yes, it's just a zip file), then modify the SiteTemplate.xml file replacing with and zip it all back up.

After that I was able to open the template and re-export with RC4 and the layout issues were gone. Your mileage may vary :-)

Hope this helps someone out.

Dave Porter

Posted: 2/21/2010
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Hi Julie,

.artx files are the saved documents for Artisteer, just like a .doc is a saved document for a word document.

When you are working on an Artisteer site you should save regularly to ensure you do not loose valuable work...

also please remember that the Mac version is still in beta - beta versions of software should only be used for evaluating and testing and reporting back to the authors - not for production use - it is usual to have issues, so beta testing is not for the faint hearted !

HTH, Dave

Posted: 2/22/2010
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Thanks for the helpful info. I downloaded the previous version, but couldn't figure out a way to unzip the .artx file. So I just compressed it (on my Mac) and then unzipped it again and then managed to edit the SiteTemplate file. But now when I re-zip it, it just turns into another generic zip folder, and not an .artx file. How do I get it back into the .artx file so that I can open it?


Posted: 2/22/2010
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Quote Dave Porter:

Hi Julie,

.artx files are the saved documents for Artisteer, just like a .doc is a saved document for a word document.

When you are working on an Artisteer site you should save regularly to ensure you do not loose valuable work...

also please remember that the Mac version is still in beta - beta versions of software should only be used for evaluating and testing and reporting back to the authors - not for production use - it is usual to have issues, so beta testing is not for the faint hearted !

HTH, Dave

Yeah, I agree with you mostly on that, BUT most people never pay for beta versions. One shouldn't be charging $130 for a beta version that doesn't work.

Jeff F.

Posted: 2/22/2010
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We have fixed this issue in the latest release here:


Jeff F.
Artisteer Support