Import HTML into artisteer

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Posted: 12/29/2009
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Will there be an option to import old templates of Joomla etc. into artisteer for easy css management?


Posted: 12/29/2009
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You can't import/open/edit non Artisteer templates in Artisteer.

Posted: 1/3/2010
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Is there a work-around for dummies like me who neglected to save her work as an Artisteer template and just exported the files for uploading? It will take me hours to reconstruct the template. I only want to change the font size right now, but I'm sure I'll want to make more changes in the future. Please help. I've learned my lesson the hard way.
Dave Porter

Posted: 1/3/2010
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Sorry Diane, saving your files as artx files is exactly the same as saving a word document. There is no way to reverse engineer exported code.

Regards, Dave


Posted: 1/3/2010
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Thanks, Dave. I thought that was the case but wanted to hear it from an expert. I love Artisteer and need to be more careful in the future.

Have a great new year!

Posted: 1/3/2010
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You should mention which font size you wanna change, someone will definitely help you with css edits.

Posted: 1/11/2010
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I just downloaded Artisteer to try and it looks pretty neat, but without the option to import existing templates so I can edit them makes this software useless to me.
Dave Porter

Posted: 1/11/2010
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Hi Tiki,

If this feature makes the software 'useless' to you then it is clearly not suitable for your needs and you have misunderstood what Artisteer's core purpose is !

regards, Dave

Chris Porosky

Posted: 1/12/2010
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Interesting discussion...the ability to import templates seems to be a somewhat legitimate request at least. Even Word can open other file formats...copy/paste...?? I understand this is not the 'core' purpose. Keep up the good work!
Dave Porter

Posted: 1/12/2010
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Hi Chris,

This is often requested, but I keep reminding people, that to do this would need software to be developed that would parse standard html/css/js files and create source code that Artisteer would understand. I think this would be a huge task and would take time away from the continued development of what Artisteer is for. I don't see this happening any time soon. But who knows! Ask Artisteer via the support link and see what they say.

cheers Dave

Jason Robertson

Posted: 1/16/2010
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I have several clients that this application would be perfect for them as something to help them easily modify and keep up their existing websites.

But again with out being able to bring in base html websites even plain flat html only sites. This would mean users would have to completely recreate their work to use to this.

Just doesnt seem to make sense, even if its not the purpose of this project or not. I believe this function is truly needed to help make this product 100% useful at the moment its only good if this was your first day using the internet and have never done a single site for anyone or have ever had one created for you.

What would you expect a function like this would take in development hours? If it possible that there might be enough existing users that might want to help fund this small change?

Posted: 1/16/2010
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Posted: 1/18/2010
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My guess is that you will never sse this ability incorporated into Artisteer.

Artisteer sites all share a basic underlying structure and Artisteer code is written to work with that structure only.

To write code that could handle every variation of html/css styling thrown at it would be a mind-boggling task (which is probably why no such application exists to date).


Dave Porter

Posted: 1/18/2010
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Hi Dave,

From one Dave to another, could not have put it better...

regards, Dave