Artisteer 2.3 with IE 6

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Posted: 11/12/2009
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I recently upgraded from Artisteer 2.2 to Artisteer 2.3

I had a theme I created for Drupal with Artisteer 2.2 which displayed beautifully in Firefox, IE6, and Chrome.

After I upgraded to Artisteer 2.3, the theme created in 2.2 and then saved in 2.3 displays correctly in Firefox, but the Horizontal Menu tabs have lost their color in IE6 !!

This must be a bug because it was clearly working before. Please fix?

Posted: 11/12/2009
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Forgot to say, block titles and buttons no longer render properly with IE6 if using Artisteer 2.3.

I thought they had "extensively tested" their beta software before they made it into an official release?

Looks like now it is was working fine before with Artisteer 2.2.
Kevin P

Posted: 11/12/2009
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Please open a support ticket so this can be properly addressed.

Kevin P
Artisteer Support


Posted: 11/18/2009
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I did. But your support person seems rather clueless, telling me things like: "Our products are 100% correct" and being unhelpful in general. I even pointed him to the exact lines of .css code that cause the problem, so he goes and looks at my live site, which is using version 2.2, not version 2.3 which has the bug (the bug was found testing a v2.3 template on my local machine), and points out my live site has xhtml errors (i.e. completely unrelated to the artisteer problem....because the live site is using v2.2 where the bug doesn't exist!).

So maybe forum users might be a bit more helpful than the clueless customer support person I happen to have been assigned.

Posted: 12/2/2009
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Elisa, which lines of css code are causing the problem with IE6 in Artisteer 2.3? I'm trying to track them down myself since I am having the same problem. Well, that and the fact that pages load ten times slower in IE6 than in other browsers.


Posted: 12/13/2009
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Any update or resolution on this problem? Because I'm having the exact same issue. Menus look fine in all browsers EXCEPT IE6, but I've also lost all my container borders too.

Posted: 12/30/2009
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I just spent the past few weeks working on a theme in v.2.3 using Firefox, everything looks great. Both Mac and PC. To my horror this morning I loaded the site in IE and all the .css is ignored. What's happening?

Dev site is located at:

Posted: 12/30/2009
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Yes, your site is not working well in IE6, you should try disabling extensions/plugins if you have installed any

Posted: 1/8/2010
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Garry, why would disabling extensions and plugins make the site work better in IE6?

The site looks fine in other browsers with all of the plugins and extensions activated.

Also, if I switch to the default WordPress theme (or many other non-artisteer themes) with all of the extensions and plugins activated, the site looks / works fine in IE6.

That makes me think that it is the Artisteer theme itself, and not any of the plugins or extensions, that is the issue.

Dave Porter

Posted: 1/8/2010
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Hi Rich,

Garry's suggestion is the first thing to do with any problem of this type. Once any extensions and/or plugins are turned off then you can see if the problem exists. It it does still exist then you have eliminated any add ons from being the cause of the problem & move on to other possibilities.

HTH Dave

Posted: 1/8/2010
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Hi HTH Dave,

Thanks for the clarification.

However, take a look at what I said here:

"Also, if I switch to the default WordPress theme (or many other non-artisteer themes) with all of the extensions and plugins activated, the site looks / works fine in IE6."

I have all the plugins on, I apply a non-artisteer theme (like Kubrik or Athahualpa), and the site works fine in IE6.

I then switch to my artisteer theme with the exact same plugins still on, and the site gets slow/buggy in IE6.

Why would it work fine in IE6 with an non-artisteer theme and all the plugins on and yet get slow/buggy in IE6 when I go to my artisteer theme and leave the exact same plugins on? This would suggest that there is something wrong with the coding supplied by Artisteer that perhaps interacts poorly with the coding of some plugin. In my mind, that still makes it an issue that Artisteer needs to fix. Especially since my Artisteer theme works great in IE7 or Firefox with all of the exact same plugins turned on!

Nevertheless, I followed your suggestion and turned off all the plugins and tried viewing the Artisteer-based site in IE6 and it was still slow/buggy.

Dave Porter

Posted: 1/8/2010
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Hi Rich,

Sorry your right , I should have read more closely...

I was a bit confused as I saw this thread started by Elisa with the problem and assumed you were helping her, so I was just concentrating on her comments.

Cheers Dave

Posted: 1/23/2010
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بنام خدا

سلام و عرض ادب ،عارضم به خدمت همه طراحان و برنامه نویسان برسانم که انتشار نسخه 2.3فارسی آرتیستر بهمراه پشتیبانی آن توسط گروه ما انجام شده و بزودی به بسته های نرم افزاری در بازار کشور عزیزم ایران اسلامی عرضه خواهیم نمود

تولید و طراحی سایت و راه اندازی فروشگاههای اینترنتی و الکترونیکی

Persian to English translationShow romanization
Name of God

Hello and within literature, service Arzm designers and programmers get to all the 2.3 release by the Persian Rtystr Bhmrah support of our group and soon packages on the market of our country will offer


Posted: 2/5/2010
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Well, I found a solution to my problem, in the end. Turns out what I was doing is creating the artisteer theme, (call it basetheme for example), and then putting the exporting files inside a directory of my main theme. So I had a maintheme with subdirectory basetheme which included the .css files from basetheme and worked in drupal. I could do this in v2.2 with no problem.

In 2.3, I found I had to copy the images directory in basetheme into the maintheme directory, thus having TWO copies of the images folder, one in the maitheme, and one in basetheme.

So my folder structure now looks like this:


And now IE6 renders fine. Also, having only 1 copy of the images directory in either basetheme or maintheme screws up the display in either IE6 or FF or chrome, only having images on both directories seemed to work for me.

Hope this helps someone.

Posted: 2/5/2010
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Opps, in post above the indentation didn't work, so I'll try again to illustrate the directory structure:

--------->image2, etc
-------------->image2, etc.

Posted: 4/22/2010
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Please, please, stop supporting IE6.

Just add a warning bar asking IE6-users to update their browser and let IE6 die. let's bring IE6 down together! it's about time.

Posted: 5/10/2010
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Sorry but this is not a problem with Artisteer at all, but a problem with "web designers" who aren't actual web designers in reality. You couldn't even figure out that your problem was due to the fact that you were using the wrong path. You probably have no idea what I'm saying, hence, my point exactly...

Artisteer is a great product for folks like me churning out websites like crazy, and this just makes my job so much easier. Life is great! Thanks!