Differ between Content Types

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Posted: 4/22/2009
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Hi, is there a way to have individual settings for content types with artisteer? For example, I'd like author info to show up on some node types and not others. I have it set this way in the theme configuration and I've tried editing the node.tpl.php.

The problem is mostly with panels, where I can't remove the node title, and the formatting that affects all articles in artisteer (like the text margin) kinda screws it up.


Posted: 4/23/2009
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If you are asking about displaying the author node type with a difference from rest of the things then you can alter the node type for author info by adding some styling to it.

Every style(formatting) comes from stylesheet so find the style from where it comes and alter it.

Posted: 4/23/2009
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I'm not sure if I fully understand, sorry, haha. For example, Let's say I have an article node type. In that case, I'd want the author information to show up for it. But for another node type, say a Profile type, I wouldn't want the author information to show up. Is that also part of the .css?


Posted: 4/24/2009
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I think It may be possible from drupal, you may search for drupal tutorial on web for an option to do that

Posted: 5/5/2009
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you can hide it using css

I have it done for search results i.e.

.search-results .search-info{




Posted: 5/5/2009
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its standard in drupal to be able to change this from content type to content type but when using an artisteer template it loses the ability for some reason.

normally you would go (in drupal) to admin themes confiure and check which ones you want to show post info (auth name etc) you can still do this when you use an artisteer made theme it just doesn't work.

there is another forum topic talking about this same thing.

Posted: 5/5/2009
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This is my response in another post so disreguard the names.

rene has it right up above. I changed it to match the default style for drupal so it does not have the style that artisteer used but it does work. I also unchecked the style in the artisteer theme before export so it doesn't show them at all. Then drupal will control the post author data if you do the code below in the node.tpl.php wherever you want it. I use it below the title and above the content.

<?php if ($submitted): ?>
<span class="submitted"><?php print $submitted; ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>

I think rene's would work but you probably have to have the check in your artisteer program for author post on before you export the file.