head of dropdown menu ALSO link to article

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Posted: 11/7/2014
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Hi.. i would love to have an old feature back :-( With older joomla or artisteer versions one could also link the head/top of a dropdownmenu to an article as well.. now it just wont work anymore..
Anyone with a solution.. all it does when clicked is open the menu.. but not link to an actual article..
Artisteer Team

Posted: 11/7/2014
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Do you mean that the parent menu item should open the parent item page but not only the list of subitems?
Please try to go to the Vertical Menu tab -> Submenu -> Levels and choose the “Expand with Reload” opiton, at this clicking a parent item will open up a list with subitems and load the parent item page.

Posted: 11/7/2014
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Hi Antonia,

do you mean i need to do this in joomla (cause i cant find it) or in artisteer itself? And yes its exactly what i mean.. klicking the top should not only fold out the submenus but also link to an article :-)

Posted: 11/7/2014
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@Julia - Artisteer

Posted: 11/7/2014
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Wow.. you guys are my hero..

But now theres a new issue.. what if i want it for some items but not for all..

Ive tried making it a menu-alias then.. and linking it to the first item of the dropdown list.. but while it actually does go to that article.. the right menu does not open up and show as active..

What to do?

Posted: 11/7/2014
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Hmm.. not sure if i overlooked this before.. but the reload option seems to leave the menu open all the time..
It wont close and others wont open anymore..
Or its my cache.. not sure but we're not there yet...