Non-responding responsive tplates

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Posted: 11/14/2013
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Yes - I exported with a check in the Options > Responsive before exporting.
I went back and the generic Blank (but has content) template. Exported it and tested it in different browsers resizing the browsers. Nothing re-sizes.

It responds - by opening the site and that's it.

Would a Artisteer guru define what Artisteer means by "responsive"

BTW - I hate deadlines because that's when you find out what some software can and can't do, the can't part creeps in usually just hours before the deadline.

Artisteer Team

Posted: 11/15/2013
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please contact Artisteer support at
and report about this problem.
Provide them with the link to your site and .artx file.

Posted: 11/18/2013
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OK. But it's a lot more work just to get a definition of "responsive".


Posted: 11/19/2013
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If using v 4.1 there was a bug in the latest update for Joomla removing this solved the problem for me.