Remove Bullet Points from horizontal menu

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Dirrty Micz

Posted: 3/28/2013
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Hello, i am using Artisteer 4.0 and Joomla 2.5

I've recently figured out how to get a horizontal menu on the bottom of my screen, this works fine now, only the menu items at this position all have round bullet points before them. I would like to remove these, but keep everything else in the template the way it is. I just want to remove them from this position.

In Joomla i've made a footer menu which have menu alias'es. I probably can remove the bullet points from the template.css file. But i dont know which one??

Can anyone help me what to remove without affecting the whole template?
Dirrty Micz

Posted: 3/28/2013
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Topic can be closed, i found the solution, now i just need to make sure that the word-spacing and everything becomes correct and centered. This is probably another issue.