The title in the header is not displayed

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Posted: 1/18/2013
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I created a template for joomla 2.5 but it does not show me the way that I put in the header! How to display it?

Posted: 1/18/2013
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I am not sure what you mean, the header should display right-out-of-the-box or do you mean the menu bar.

I think more information would help everyone to understand your problem.

Posted: 1/19/2013
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mightec, he is talking about the title and slogan.

I think after the 400th person asks the same question in the forum without searching should be....

Posted: 1/19/2013
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Plus I see he already asked the question. Come on people lets put down the krack pipe and learn how to use a forum.

This topic has been beaten to death.

Posted: 1/20/2013
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Log in to your Joomla admin, go to Template Manager, select Artisteer template, click Basic options and fill the title/slogan from there.


Posted: 3/28/2013
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Thanks Garry, it's so obvious that I can't believe it.
I broke my head trying a lot of funny ideas and it is so simply