Perfect viewing Woocommerce in your Artister Theme

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Posted: 9/7/2012
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Quote Adonis:

Good solution, I will try it on a test domain.

So, the new Woocommerce.php file will overwrite the old one so the theme will be back to normal?

Hi Adonis,
You will have both the php files in the folder, one normally used by your theme (page.php), the other one (modified as explained above) by woocommerce (woocommerce.php).

When you decide to disable woocommerce, the new file will not be used by wordpress.

Greetings. :-)

Posted: 9/7/2012
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Quote Adonis:


I tried it and is working, althought I don't use Woocommerce, I prefer OpenCart and PrestaShop.

Tnx Adonis,
your tests was much appreciated and, yes I prefer PrestaShop too, but I'm waiting for an Artisteer that help me to generate a fantastic them for it :D

But now many people will be able to use this ecommerce for wordpress without having trouble viewing their online stores! 8-)

Greetings from Italy....... :-D

Posted: 11/2/2012
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Tks for this works well and solved me a nights-not-sleeping problem! :-P

Quote GMC74:

Normally activating Woocommerce Plugin on wordpress, our work and our beatiful theme, goes to hell.

This be the ultimate solution for Woocommerce to don't override our theme:

Enter in the folder of your theme and copy the file page.php and rename it to woocommerce.php

2) Edit the new file woocommerce.php and replace this code


if(have_posts()) {
/* Start the Loop */
while (have_posts()) {
get_template_part('content', 'page');
/* Display comments */
if ( theme_get_option('theme_allow_comments')) {
} else {


with this:

<div class="art-box art-post page">			

<div class="art-box-body art-post-body">
<div class="art-post-inner art-article">
<?php woocommerce_content(); ?>
<div class="cleared"></div>


Save all and upload.

Enjoy your new Woocommerce / Artisteer Site :-D

Bye All!

I still have a problem, that I think must be solved by your code but it is still there, some products' links and titles styles are not updated to my template style. :-( Tks for each and every suggestion! :-)

Posted: 11/4/2012
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Hi Elix,

have you tried to modify your theme? I tried it with a theme created with Artisteer 3 and one created with Artisteer 4. In both case everything worked pefectly. However, if you like I can check the code of your web site, just tell me the address where take a look. ;)

Bye. GMC74

Posted: 11/8/2012
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@GMC74: You saved me from going insane!!!

Thanks for sharing... woocommerce is the only worthy solution I have for WordPress. I used to use ecwid, but they now have new pricing, so that's out, and I like OpenCart, but because their templates are expensive and limited, woocommerce is good enough for small to medium projects. For the more seriousprojects I will stick with OpenCart.

Now I can design my own templates, have a cms, and a very descent shopping cart. 99% of the WP cart plugins are rubbish, but woocommerce is good.

Thanks again!

Posted: 11/11/2012
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Hi Nick,
pleased to have helped you!
Despite woocommerce and jigoshop are similar, and for both plugins I have written a solution (jigoshop has put my solution even in his faq! :-))
my favorite pluggin for ecommerce is zingiriwebshop, which I made ​​a lot of changes to view the articles in the best way.

Anyway I'm glad that your work can proceed in the best way! ;)

Bye, GMC74

Posted: 11/19/2012
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I tried the above solution and it was still not laying things out properly. Here's what I ended up in my woocommerce.php that worked. Then I had to do a bit of custom css to get thigns to look nice-

<?php get_header(); ?> <div class="art-layout-wrapper">     <div class="art-content-layout">         <div class="art-content-layout-row">             <div class="art-layout-cell art-content"> 			<?php get_sidebar('top'); ?> 		<?php woocommerce_content(); ?> 			<?php get_sidebar('bottom'); ?>               <div class="cleared"></div>             </div>             <div class="art-layout-cell art-sidebar1">               <?php get_sidebar('default'); ?>               <div class="cleared"></div>             </div>         </div>     </div> </div> <div class="cleared"></div> <?php get_footer(); ?>


Posted: 11/20/2012
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I did as you instructed,but the sidebar does not work. I can't even get the sidebar to turn off (to make it a one column). Seems that if you have a multi column design, this fix doesn't work?

my dev site is if anyone wants to check it out and see what's going on.

Posted: 11/22/2012
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In Artisteer v4 template all work well.

If you haveArtisteer v3 template, if necessary, in the next days I put here correction for code to work well in artisteer v3 too.


Posted: 12/11/2012
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I followed the above code and my website still looks crazy. The padding disappears and the add to cart buttons go crazy if you put your mouse on them and a ton of other issues.

here is the website

Please help.

Thank you

Posted: 12/23/2012
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GMC74's solution takes care of the sidebar. Any suggestions how to deal with the buttons? The button mouseover creates all sorts of visual problems.

Posted: 1/30/2013
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has anyone got any advice about what to do about the buttons and the fact the margin isn't showing?

Posted: 2/4/2013
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Hi is there anybody there??? If there is I could really do with a bit of help. Im not a coder and I'm struggelling to work out how to get artisteer working with woocommerce. I've got so far and can get no futher, so please help if you can.

I'm using

<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php get_sidebar('top'); ?>
<div class="art-box art-post page">
<div class="art-box-body art-post-body">
<div class="art-post-inner art-article">
<?php woocommerce_content(); ?>
</div> </div> </div>
<div class="cleared">
<?php get_sidebar('bottom'); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>

in a woocommerce.php file and it's not doing too bad. It's moved myside bar back to where it should be and also keeping a margin. But It's developed a scroll bar on each item on the shopping page and the buttons are all over the place on both shop and product pages. Also the description and review tags have scroll bars now. I haven't got a clue where to look to try and sort this out? can anyone help point me in the right direction... I'm tearing my hair out.

Thanks in advance ( This site is not live so I cant show you easily.. but if you get in touch I can send a screen grab?
John Zeiger

Posted: 2/28/2013
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Has anyone been able to resolve the issues with:

-buttons changing size when hovered (and causing the table columns to resize on the My Account page)

-scroll bars appearing under tab names like Description and under items under products (for me, it's only for products on sale)

Posted: 3/26/2013
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Hello - is there anybody who can help me.

I have set up a theme with Artisteer and download it to Wordpress, where it must work together with Woocommerce. All works with the above solution, thanks you for this :-).

Unfortenately I still have problem with the style on the Woocommerce product and the product categories pages - these are not style with Artisteer theme style.

I would appreciate if some one could solve this.

I am a beginner - so pleace explain it simple.


Posted: 4/21/2013
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Hello to all. I use Woocommerce with Wordpress and Theme created with Artisteer version 4. But the titles and some links do not remain as it should. I defined one way in Artisteer, but some links appear with the standard colors like blue and red. Has anyone had this problem and knows how to help me? Follow the link for a site I'm doing with woocommerce that has this problem. Thank you for now.

Posted: 6/21/2013
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My issue sis that the page titles are coming up where they aren't needed post headers and added where they shouldn't ne.

This is the home page it should have nothing above Home. but it has Organic Earl Grey Tea listed.. which should not be there but is a product.
I am using templateer and artisteer 4.. any ideas how I can get that to go away? I tried the above "fixes" but it breaks the Templateer theme and does nothing to help it if I use a non templateer version.

Templateer put just about everything in the right place, but that dumb title.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: 6/21/2013
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Oops page didn't paste in:

Posted: 8/30/2013
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Quote loretta:

Oops page didn't paste in:

I see you got the page to working, what did you do?

Posted: 8/30/2013
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Quote John Zeiger:

Has anyone been able to resolve the issues with:

-buttons changing size when hovered (and causing the table columns to resize on the My Account page)

-scroll bars appearing under tab names like Description and under items under products (for me, it's only for products on sale)

somewhere in your styles.css (mine is around line 2203) vis this rule ul>li, .art-post ul>li, .art-textblock ul>li

/* makes "ul li" not to align behind the image if they are in the same line */
overflow-x: visible;
overflow-y: hidden;

change it to
.art-postcontent ul>li, .art-post ul>li, .art-textblock ul>li

/* makes "ul li" not to align behind the image if they are in the same line */
overflow-x: visible;
overflow-y: visible;

and the scroll bars should disappear.

Posted: 11/21/2013
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Hello All,

I am developing OpenCart Plugin and hopefully will be completed before 2013-30-11. To buy opencart plugin please contact me at

Thanks :-P :-P :-P

Posted: 1/1/2014
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Everything is fine but When I untick the 'Enable WooCommerce CSS' as I want my own theme style.css to read the changes I have made to the woocommerce.css added to my theme style.css such as Product header - price colour - font size etc the shopping cart layout breaks. The ' shop' products are NOT across the page but are down the side of the page on top of one another and the text boxes are squashed up.

The reason for this is to stop any updates over-riding my own custom styling to the woocommece.css when it is updated. I even created a child theme.

What code could I add to my theme to fix this layout problem to look like woocommerce should look but without reading from the woocommerce parent file?



Posted: 1/1/2014
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I fixed the problem

1. open master woocommerce.css - make appropriate changes to suit your own template.
2. create a child-theme
3. create a new styles.css and copy and paste codefrom woocommerce.css file into this styles.css sheet and upload to child-theme
4. last step: turn OFF 'Enable WooCommerce CSS' in the WooCommerce admin area to see your own unique changes.

hope it helps -


Posted: 2/9/2014
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Haha okay people.. THIS is what you do - I'm checking this program out on a buddies computer, THIS is the button fix, where it does that annoying button thing. Find THIS in your stylesheet.,

There should be something there called

padding:0 20px; <- FIND IT. Delete it.


h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, a, ul, ol, li

Copy paste this BELOW IT

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, a:link, ul, ol, li
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

I also added this at the bottom of her style.css as extra

inline show_review_form {color:red;}
.woocommerce div.product div.images img, .woocommerce #content div.product div.images img, .woocommerce-page div.product div.images img, .woocommerce-page #content div.product div.images img

.woocommerce ul.products li.product a img, .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product a img {padding:7px;}
.woocommerce ul.products li.product h3, .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product h3 { color:#F53F6F; font-family:arial; text-align:center;}
a, a:visited {color#333;}


Posted: 10/17/2014
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Hi, i'm Lorenzo from Itay.

I have the problem with scroll bars appearing under tab names like Description and under items under products. The site is:

I have tryed the suggested solution of Cristopher...but don't work.

Quote Christopher:

somewhere in your styles.css (mine is around line 2203) vis this rule ul>li, .art-post ul>li, .art-textblock ul>li

/* makes "ul li" not to align behind the image if they are in the same line */
overflow-x: visible;
overflow-y: hidden;

change it to
.art-postcontent ul>li, .art-post ul>li, .art-textblock ul>li

/* makes "ul li" not to align behind the image if they are in the same line */
overflow-x: visible;
overflow-y: visible;

and the scroll bars should disappear.

Anybody could help me?
Many Thanks


Posted: 10/17/2014
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The Christopher solution works!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-)

I don't say why ....before did not work, now suddenly visualization is updated, and go!

Posted: 5/9/2016
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this page in chrome displays the wrong part of the text is clipped

Posted: 5/9/2016
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and this is the official forum hmm...... :-< :-| :(