Artisteer 4.0 Include Content Missing from Export options

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Posted: 7/24/2012
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Downloaded and installed Artisteer. and ran it in Standard Demo mode. It does not have the option to Export -> Include Content as seen in the features document released and video demo I have seen.

Tried uninstalling and reinstall, same thing.

Anyone care to shed light on this?

Thank you.

Posted: 7/24/2012
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Quote JDL:

Downloaded and installed Artisteer. and ran it in Standard Demo mode. It does not have the option to Export -> Include Content as seen in the features document released and video demo I have seen.

Tried uninstalling and reinstall, same thing.

Anyone care to shed light on this?

Thank you.


Posted: 7/24/2012
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Is anyone here experiencing the same? Installed 4.0 in Windows 7 where previous Artisteer 3 was installed/uninstalled.

Here's the feature based on document released by Artisteer team (have seen it also in action in one of the video links posted in the forums):


Posted: 7/25/2012
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As I know this option is not available in trial version of Artisteer.