Native support for mojoPortal

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Carole Bennett

Posted: 6/18/2010
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Add another voice to that request...
Brian Conte

Posted: 6/19/2010
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Posted: 6/21/2010
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Popular? I've been around for a while and never heard of it. Any 3rd party support? If you notice most of the platforms Artisteer covers have a solid "aftermarket" for users to draw on. I don't think this is the case with mojoportal. Also add to the fact that many of these platforms are offered through hosting by means of "one-click" installs like Simple Scripts or Fantastico which make them FAR more readily available than this one.
Henrik Sindrup

Posted: 6/27/2010
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I totally agree with Brent Eldstrom. It would be wary nice.

To Grumblemarc. Why are you writing your post? Who are you to judge others whishes to features?


Posted: 6/27/2010
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Just asking.

Posted: 7/6/2010
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+1 for Mojo.

If the download count for Mojo Portal and user rating via MS web platform installer is anything to go by, then Mojo has more people downloading it with high rating than any of the "solid" CMS, Well over 100,000 downloads.

Mojo is and completely free and Open Sources CMS for IIS, not just a hosted solution.

Posted: 7/20/2010
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Native support for MOJOPORTAL would be fantastic!
Don Jewett

Posted: 7/20/2010
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Highly agree. It doesn't look like it would take too terribly much to accomplish, and would make a lethal combo -- mojo+artisteer!

Posted: 8/6/2010
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Since Mojoportal is part of the Microsoft Web Platform Installer, in my humble opinion, had a high profile. Surely the development team knows what Artisteer CMS bet, but actually a native support for Mojoportal + Artisteer would be devastating. Maybe the team can tell us something?
Svein-Martin Holt

Posted: 8/12/2010
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+1 for Mojo.

Posted: 8/16/2010
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+1 here too :)

Posted: 8/18/2010
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Really, I wish artisteer supports mojo.. I would buy immediatly artisterr licenses !!


Posted: 8/28/2010
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Adding my vote for 100% mojoPortal support. If it were already there, I would not hesitate to buy a licence. As it is, I have to consider whether it is worth the trouble having to customise and add tweaks to a partial solution.

A response from Artisteer to this thread would be helpful. Is mojoPortal support coming?

Posted: 8/28/2010
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Very unimpressive CMS. No wonder I had never heard about it before. Anyone else reading this thread shouldn't waste their time to check it out.

Posted: 8/28/2010
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You are very arrogant in your dismisal of mojoportal.


Posted: 8/28/2010
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No, Mitch, you are very stupid to waste your time on that CMS. What I do see is that people are trolling these forums and using them as ways to promote their products. While mojoportal *says* that it is open source, two of the most basic modules are quite expensive. So, it's a way to draw people in and get money out of them, because they would be dependent on more paid functionality.

I took a look at the CMS. It's quite pathetic, compared to Drupal, Wordpress and Joomla. So, since Artisteer already supports those CMS', I am recommending that my fellow Artisteer customers, here on the forums, not waste their time on your CMS.

Posted: 8/29/2010
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one more vote for mojo support.

Posted: 8/30/2010
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Dear usajim but what do you care if we want to spend time with mojo?
We asked if, with Artisteer have native support for mojo, because there are people who use it.
Not all developers working with PHP and MYSQL.
How can offend other people in the forum?
You married the philosophy of open source but writes like a pathetic old sclerotic.

Posted: 8/30/2010
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fabrizio, "but writes like a pathetic..." - Get some lessons in English, to use proper grammar, before you comment on how other people "writes." :-@ It's "but write like...," not "but writes like."

Anyway, as others have said, it's enough for Artisteer to keep up with Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal. They don't need to add 100 other CMS'. So, if you really want to make use of templates with Artisteer, maybe you should contact Pietre and ask him to advertise on the mojoportal forums how they should make their CMS able to import Artisteer templates, just like HIS paid QuickerSite can. :-@

In other words, we don't need to hear it here. Mojoportal is pathetic and it costs money to get any decent functionality. We don't want to hear about that.

My recommendation to the Artisteer folks is the same. Don't waste your time.

Posted: 8/31/2010
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You're right usajim thanks for your lessons in English. :-{}

The Forum are born for help people like you are doing. O:)

Thanks usajim, now buy Artisteer and I will work with WordPress, Joomla and Drupal

Posted: 8/31/2010
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Re: Usa Jim's High Horse

I'd love to see see some of Usa's sites. Care to post some URL's Usa?

8-) Rosemary

Posted: 8/31/2010
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I have very beautiful work, as you might expect. But I don't post links here. :-) This is out of respect to my customers. I have privacy agreements with them, etc.

Really, get into Drupal. Seriously, spend some real time with it and try and expand it's capabilities through the modules. What you will find is that there is A LOT Drupal can do and the modules are free! And what's really great is that Artisteer supports Drupal templates! You can't beat that!

Posted: 9/1/2010
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usajim's comment on August 28 seems to stem from a perception that I am in some way commercially involved with mojoPortal. I am not, except insofar as I recently evaluated a number of CMSes - including his favourites - and found it the most appealing and appropriate one for me. He is of course entitled to his opinions, but I would nevertheless apprecate an answer from Artisteer as to whether they intend to include mojoPortal in their list of directly supported CMSes.

Posted: 9/1/2010
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samuel, they won't, so forget it. :-D
shirish sharma

Posted: 9/20/2010
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+ 1 for mojoportal

Posted: 9/23/2010
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+1 for mojoPortal from France.


Posted: 10/7/2010
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I concur. +1 mojoPortal

Posted: 10/28/2010
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+1 from Spain. MojoPortal it´s really great

Posted: 10/29/2010
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Another vote for native mojoPortal support. It's the new kid on the block, but is rapidly building a user base.

Posted: 10/30/2010
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usajim, you clearly have no respect for other people their opinions. As far as I remember, asking is free, it is up to Artisteer to decide too asnwer or not.

MojoPortal is great for simple sites and the extensibility for .Net developers is very easy. They can write their own modules in a very short time and the system is the fastest I found out there.

And before you give any comment on this. I use Joomla, DNN and Joomla as CMS systems. So I have an idea of what's out there. Some customers just request a very simple CMS and find Joomla and DNN too difficult to work with.
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